Tree of Savior Forum

Necro Reset ->?

During the last tomes and bonuses giveaway I created a Necro. I don’t have that much time to farm silver, so, being really honest, the idea was to farm afk to buy my equipments, but never really did that for sure, maybe I was doing it wrong and profit barelly worth the effort.

Ok, looking ahead, we will have a DLC for reset and I was thinking what I can turn my necro into somethin else. I was thinking of FF farmer, is it a good choice or another? I also want to share that I have the idea to create a character for ET and I heard Necro will be good for it with the patches that are coming. So, does it worth the reset?

Thanks in advance and best regards.

well necro right now is mostly for like you said afk farming. You let it a full night and you can make close or more than 1M with a good spot from what I could see.
My best was around 200k+/h. And I did over a 1M one time but there soo many thing that can happen when you are afk like Oracle Afk Farm killer or In some map you need to clear other part (Done by other necro) for our own spot to have mob respawn)
Obliviously you won’t make more than an actif farmer for the same amount of time… It slow but you can do something else meanwhile.
Not really doing it anymore because I just don’t fell running my computer for it to crash after 1h when i go to sleep and see something like 80k for a full night…

Wiz2-Link2-Thaum2-FF2 farmer are good, You don’t need much stuff to have a decent farm speed because it mostly based on your combo and you usualy got time for it.
Also bloodsucking help you with the hp pot cost full healt you in 1sec (vs a good group type of mob)
Example of farm:
-Dung 170 (40min) 600k silv (900k/h) Don’t need much to have it easy peasy
-Dung 290 (20min or less) 400k silv + Arti drop (1,2M/h of Raw silver) Might need a bit of better stuff / clean only linkable mob part
-Rare ressource farm (Test your luck ?)
-HG 320 (Forget about it … Link break on first 1 or are immune in most case)

Necro/Sorc with the patch coming soon will be viable, you can check the necro tread to see what necro is like after the patch
The summon damage will be exclusively based on your (Spr and Matk of Weapon).
a classic build is Cryo3-sorc1-necro3 or sorc2-necro2

Hey, thanks for the answer.
Indeed thats what happened to me the few times I tried to farm afk. disconnect issues, oracles, other necros. Plus, leaving the computer on whole night/day and barelly get 100k.

Do you believe th FF build still worth, even with not being able to farm in HG320 anymore? Whenyou say “migh need a nit of better stuff”, what is exactly? if you can provide an idea of initial minimun equipment and the best for higher places, is appreciated too.
Btw are there different paths for FF or just one general build for farm?

Considering all that, sounds to me better go for FF and then plan a ET char later, when (after patch) I could follow the threads and see what is the best for it, combining with play styles I like.
Gonna read the Necro threads anyway.
THanks again!

FF farmer is effective but the thing is its very “inconsisitent” and time consuming to solo a dungeon

its not gear dependant though so thats nice (if youre soloing 170 or 140 dung)

the speed of your dungeon run is fixed at like 20 - 25 minutes minimum as apposed to swarzer’s like 5 minutes minimum. this is because your entire speed is based off of a combo that is required to use to maximize silver and unfortunately jp and swell have like 15+ cd and one of them has overheat and its just crziness. so yea i usually get demotivated while running dungeons with this char because its so slow, but if u can handle that then this is a really good money maker

The thing about the FF farmer build is that you can do dg runs and earn double the amount of silvers because of swell body. However, you can expect the run to last a lot longer because you need to wait on joint penalty/swell body’s cooldowns. However, Its still a nice farming build because you are limited to only 3 dg runs per day.

The typical build is Wiz2 -> Linker 2 -> Thauma 2 -> FF2, but there are slight variations. I’m not a big fan of this build myself because soloing dungeons with it is quite boring and slow. I rather make more characters and have more dg runs.

That true, but I seen some screw up variation… As long you keep thaum2/linker2 at least because of swell body 10 and JP 10 to combo 8 target at the time… And have a decent kill spell with it. Your fine.

Yeah, I’m almost done building a Reiter for the same purpose. But, as mentioned of not having that much time to play now, it takes a while to reach C3 and get limacon spread.
What it seems to me, from FF is that is not only DGs, it seems can be used for more PVE stuff than only soloing DGs, or not?
Do you guys have any idea on the minimun and best equipment? Skill rotation?
thank you all mattes!

Agreeing to @mrshadowccg post above, FF farmer build is definitely worth to have mainly due to the double drops/silvers. Farming (for yourself or to sell) 315 mats/artilonums/ores in crystal mines for example feels much more satisfying due to that. I have both SR3 and FF farmer, and I gotta say I am tempted to make a another FF simply to farm D290. :stuck_out_tongue:

For budget equipment, 315 HG rod + dagger is good enough. The best would be viena mace with red gems + dagger. I got mine at +7 and no trans because I share with my other chars.
Skill rotation is simply joint penalty > hangsman > swell > kundela. Wait for CD then repeat. It is important to hit kundela while the mobs under hangsman’s debuff which only lasts around 3 seconds to one hit kill the pack.

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BTW, I will be able to do so all this stuff on Rank 8 (FF2), right? or is it possible to give a try on something (if yes, what?) at Ranking 7 at least, to speed up the leveling and start to do some silver?

Well This farm build is heavy focus on the farm part soo…
You are…
-Weak vs mob that a immune to link / mob that break link on first hit (HG isn’t a good place for it)
-ET ? Well your link will probably break really fast and otherwise you will mostly hit 1 target most of the time… Maybe you can do the first 5 or even 15 floor ? As long you get carry.(There some linker build that work for ET but they are also premade to use the link at full potential like Link3/chrono3 + doppple)
-Saalus, You are decent and can really pact a punch if you have some amazing transcend weapon… That you probably won’t have since you use this character to farm silver and not use on it.
-Combo dependent… Without your link you are mostly mono target.

Overall you can probably do everything even if you aren’t the best at it, except ET / HG

I’ve had no problems with FF in hunting ground, even on mobs that break link after 1-2 hits. Damage is high on linked mobs (as expected), so this is a good farmer with low investment. The heals are also amazing for HG, you’ll never have to use potion if you play smart.

But the class is basically farming only, and any other content is a pain to do, even Saalus, and even if you have transcended weapon.

Since you say you don’t have the time to farm, I don’t recommend FF.

I think to make necro work in high level ET you’d need a very good weapon and you need to be well built for it (and your party needs to complement it somewhat too).

maybe you aren’t scumbag enough…

You need to leave it in front of quest areas and places where people need a specific mob for something…

to be an afk necro, you must embrace the trash within you for full profit…

you must be :cancer: not like this…

who does it thing it is bothering there, I will tell you who…

NO ONE, the mobs aren’t even required for quest :smirk:

Don’t follow this example TC, you can be worse than this :japanese_ogre:

that aside, as a fellow necro that doesn’t afk…

if you don’t like to actively playing with your shoggoth…

change class or I will hunt you down for negligence :skull:

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