Tree of Savior Forum

Necro questions

Hi, does flesh cannon will get cancelled if i get hit?

Sometimes you can lose the cooldown entirely if you’re knocked down. But most of the time it’s just interrupted without eating the cooldown. And there are odd cases where if you’re knocked down at the moment the flesh is coalescing around your body that it functions like a flesh hoop, I kid you not.

I’ll try and shadowplay a video of the effect sometime because it’s actually kind of cool. But I’m sure other Necros can vouch for the strange interaction.

Well my build is wiz1>pyro2>linker2 would i need surespell for flesh cannon? Or will i lose it if i get hit even once? im at r5 and 95% lv14 class thanks for fast reply

If you channel the full spell without quickcast it maybe a little annoying since the duration of hangman’s knot is so short for linker2. So mobs could run at you and interrupt your cast. But you could supplement with Sleep spells. And it’s not as if all mobs have knockdown that’s the only case you’d be losing the cooldown.

Do you think it will be a waste if i get necro for r6? i dont have quick cast or surespell so i doubting to get it right now. :frowning:

The meta build with Necro involves Wiz 3. I don’t recall many effective builds that don’t involve Wiz 3 outside of pure support.

Do you just want a meta build? Pry2/Link2/Alchemist3 is a thing. You can solo elites with it and you’re not a major detriment to a party because links are still always great.

And alchemists pets can copy some of your spells so you can get double joint penalty, hangman’s knot. But information is really scares about the alchemist 3 pets. I haven’t even seen a video of one yet. So I’m not even sure they’re working in the current kToS patch.

And some alchemists would argue at Alchemists3 you’d be better off with Wiz3/Link2 instead as a base.

No, im not really fan of meta build. I was planning for w1>>pyro2>>linker2>>pyro3>>warlock>>sage because it can duplicate the fireballs but Iam having really trouble mid-game. Im trying to save my char which is wiz1>>pyro2>>linker2>> but i dont know what to get for r6 just to save it. It seems i wont be able to reach r8 if i do my plan. :confused:

What level are you? I can maybe give advice as a fellow linker on how to level quickly.

Your plan it will just get a little harder why ?
because people invite a specific class nowadays that’s why some people are forced to be a meta slave but the thing about Linker they can be invited as the 5th member i mean 4 different class is needed for grind exp bonus most likely the 5th is another wizard

Lv 177 atm. at lv 15 class lv. I cant advance to next rank right now. Im having trouble :persevere:

Would it save my char if i get necro for rank6?

Why can’t you do your advancement?

For Xp troubles though…
I would first check here: and make sure you got all the zones near 170. A lot of times people miss Nuoridin Falls and the two zones after. And you’d want to stick to your daily missions as well.

Necro will still function but it’s not the best possible in the meta setup for Necro. I feel like you’re suffering cause you don’t have burst? And you’re starting to run into elites? That really will continue and it’s rough even for a meta necro.

You want to start carrying packs of Lv10 condensed potions and spamming them as you need them. Like for my necro-link I’m a zero con and I live off potions… They are my life blood.

Are you wiz3? If iam casting flesh cannon and got hit would it be cancelled?

As i’ve said twice before you will be interrupted but you will not activate the cooldown. Unless you eat a knockdown while channeling in some cases. You can also release flesh cannon early…

Umm the best way to describe it is it’s like using Energy bolt or a sleep spell. And the damage will increase the longer you channel up to your flesh cannon’s max level (like energybolt).

If you are still charging, it will get cancelled. It will also get cancelled when your flesh cannon is still doing the animation to cast.

Once it has fully casted, it will continue to deal damage even if you are hit or debuffed.

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