Tree of Savior Forum

Necro newbieeee

So im startin as necromancer and got a few questions, first, where do i get shoggoth etc cards from? i need a step by step thing (? and i also got a Merge monster card (insect) cant i summon it somehow? :Sor should i feed it to my harpy summon?

You need a mutant card for your summon. The stats on the card do not affect your Shogg. Only the Stars on the card. The card will max at 10 stars. Additional XP after 10 stars does not help you.

Again the stats on the screen for your cards do differ but they do nothing. You’re seeing stats from a legacy system that was discontinued before iToS release.

You also only need 1 card.

Try and get yourself a big staff for your main hand weapon–as SPR and your main hand weapon are the only thing that affect your summon damage. Have fun and good luck, with the right build necromancer can clear DGs quickly solo, and kill bosses at similar speed as a traditional ele/warlock (assuming your summons aren’t getting stun locked)–which is to say few seconds like basically everyone else with a T2+ weapon.

tl;dr get one mutant type card from market and get it to level 10. The stats of the mutant do not change the stats of your summon.

Stats do affect it, but very slightly, so only HP stat matters. Some cards have crazy amounts of HP, for example Grey Golem I am using this one.

the cards that give more hp to chogot are : linkroller, yonmazolen, magburk y kobas - each one giving shogot 211.464 life at one star.
if the life actually depend of the card. and not only on stars as raspy say…