Tree of Savior Forum

Narrowed down my choices, help me pick

First of all, my wizard only just reached Rank 7 today. I won’t have time to do resets and test out builds in Rank 9, so unfortunately I can only theory craft. That’s where I need you guys’ help.

I’ve decided that my wizard build will be more DPS PvE focused. I narrowed my choices down to either Warlock3 or Shadowmancer2.
Wiz3-Elem3-WL3, full INT.
Wiz-Pyro2-Thauma3-Sorc1-Shadowmancer2, full SPR.
After researching skills and watching YouTube videos, I made a Pros and Cons for each. Again I can only theory craft, please let me know if I missed anything or if there is anything you disagree with. Once I get some better ideas from you experienced players, I will decide which one to go with, thanks a bunch.


  • More skills
  • More sustained damage
  • More AoE oriented


  • Higher cooldown (but more skills and overheat to compensate)
  • SP pots less efficient (maybe SP-hungry too?)
  • Less durable
  • Less versatile


  • Higher single target burst
  • Can buff for self and party (Enchant Fire, Swells, Cat)
  • More durable (high M.Def so can wear plates, Summon can tank, CON from enchant shop, Shadow Pool, Hallucination, reflect shield more efficient)
  • less SP-hungry


  • Less AoE oriented
  • Less sustained damage
  • Less skills (but low cooldown to compensate)

Your theory crafting is spot on, but I’d like to add that elemlock is also consistently stronger against flying mobs compared to shadowmancer. Only Frost Cloud won’t work on flyers with the first build, while your shadowmancer spells are a lot weaker in comparison (they still hit at least).

On a different note, pyro gives you fire pillar which is actually a pretty decent CC. You can also use Netherbovine as a sustained mini CC with its mini knockback auto attack. Warlock c3’s new stun attribute doesn’t actually help much in the cc department in comparison, and I’m not sure how effective high level sleep is from wiz3 for PvE.

The new end game PvE is mostly challenge and raid mode, which are both usually done with parties. The first build is potentially stronger with the help of other party members’ buffs and pass, you also have invocation which can contribute a lot of DPS in challenge mode. The 2nd build will contribute a lot more than just DPS in a party environment though, and is also “safer” in the sense that thaum buffs can help even under geared players contribute a lot more.

EDIT: My vote is on the 2nd build btw, Wiz3-Ele3-WL3 requires a lot more investment to pull off well.

Solution > Thaum3Sorc1Shadow2, Sorcerer1 solved all the Cons that you are mentioning.

I think those points are still true at least in comparison with the other build. But yes sorc1 addresses them to a certain (good) extent, just gotta hope IMC doesn’t nerf c1 sorc anytime soon.

Sometime, too much skills also not a good thing, you can’t utilize every skills. For example, Elem3Warlock3, usually you won’t use all skills because too much attributes to up and too much cast animation/time, you will only utilize few skills that fulfill your skills cycle.

Shadow provide quite good AoE already, both Shadow Condensation and Shadow Conjuration (which u will took time to lure them into group). If you take pyro1link1 also, it will partially solve AoE issue.

But yea, I think at the same time the more we discuss sorcerer, the more the issue caught into devs’ task list.

It seems everything is shifting into that direction, elem3sorc1war2/elem3sorc1sm2/thaum3sorc1enchanter2/thaum3sorc1sm2 etc, and even link3sorc1necro1 with templeshooter is so much viable.

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Ok. It is decided then. I will go with ThaumaShadow.
I kind of want a more well-rounded/balanced build too.

Thanks a bunch.

adding sorc into the shadow build certainly makes it more interesting than the cookie-cutter version. which card/summon would be the go-to for this? templeshooter is great if you have necro 1, but then you’d only be able to go shadow 1

Marnox card of course!

Piggy-backing off this topic, don’t mind me.

In regards to this, does the EleLock outperform other DPS classes like maybe Bullet Marker or Dragoon etc.? Because if it doesn’t, is there really a point to an EleLock besides the AoE factor?

Which is buffs from Thaum3 and Sorc1’s cat, yes? But I assume that the build would do less DPS then EleLock, or is Shadow2 just OP enough to carry it’s DPS to match EleLock?

Elelock can compete with those classes, it’s only shino murm that has a ridiculous DPS advantage compared to most other classes. They all have their differences in playstyle too, and the amount of investment needed so it’s really up to you.

For a more specific comparison, IMHO ele-lock is strong in challenge mode for example, but Bulletmarker will outperform it in world bosses if they have roughly the same investment. Ping and other factors such as having a falconer or chrono around also changes which one will be doing better over the other.

It can compete with an ele lock without thaum buffs, but if the elelock has thaum buffs as well then it will probably end up stronger. Invocation is also really strong in challenge mode, but if you don’t get the last hit off mobs then you won’t be spawning evil spirits that’s why how well invested the ele lock is would also be a big factor.

Ahhh, I see. Thanks for clearing it up!