Hi, I have download the game (with steam) on july 15 and I cannot create a character, it says me that the name is too short or that it has forbiden characters. What can I do?
July 14-16 between 2-8 pm(Guatemala) :
Server Name: North America, Klaipeda
Team Name: sunflower_bibi
Character Name: I am triying to create a character called Bibisunflower or sunnybibi
Bug Description :
When I create a character (more specifically a female wizard) and I enter the name it says me that is to short and/or it has forbiden characters.
Steps to reproduce the issue :
- Donwlode in steam
- Enter the game as a new acount (32 bitz vertion)
- Create a female wizard
- Enter a name
Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) :
- CPU : idk
- RAM : idk
- Graphics Card : idk xd
- Mainboard : hp 250 g7
- Storage : 117gb of 232gb
- OS : windows
- Internet Connection : regular
- Country, Region : Guatemala