Tree of Savior Forum

Nakmuay Quest_ Cannot find Asana's friends (or whoever know her)

I have the same problem, wrote a support ticket and was told to ask on the forums or in-game about it. i am still stuck with it.

Hi my dude, today i log in again, and it was this guy Raymond in Stele Road map. He would give 2 options explaining about Lukus or sth, after hearing both of those options, he would say “Oh so what do you want to ask?” and then you choose Asana.

It didn’t happen like that the last time I played, but i guess they fixed the bug.
Don’t give up the hardcore Muay :cry:

Hey, after seeing your message i decided to download tos again and tried the quest again. The same exact guy told where is asana. Finally got to get to be Nak muyai. Seems like we were unlucky to get a buggy character to talk to.

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