Tree of Savior Forum

[NA] Klaipeda - Bot Report - 07/21/2018

Please do also inspect for the following users, they act so strange at Orsha and Klaipeda, just like those users that I reported before:

  • Server : Klaipeda
  • Bot’s Team Name : Atehise (at Klaipeda - 07/21/2018 - 02:00am SERVER TIME), asvsadacx (at Orsha - 07/20/2018 - 11:04pm SERVER TIME)
  • Evidence :
  1. Atehise
  2. asvsadacx

@GM_Francis , Please do give the right punishment to them accordingly.
Thank you!


Hello @Hunter

We have successfully sanctioned all of the reported players. Thank You! :blush:

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