Tree of Savior Forum

Mystery Cube Expired

So I woke up this morning to find my mystery box expired… who is the moron that implemented this idea? Can I get it back

Nope. Ur fault for forgetting to reset it back.

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lmao i love when ppl dont pay attention in things and blame the game company :slight_smile:

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Here we go again.
Edit: If you can look up the unstable cube quest, you would’ve came up on the dozens of threads about unstable cubes expiring. So as the above said, your fault. Make a new character and do the quest again.

You can actually do a chain of quests to get a second mystical cube per character.

The only downside is that you need the recipe from a certain guilddungeon boss to craft that box, so I guess it’s easier to just buy a Practonium off the market; should be achieveable within a day (6-10 hours of farming [+ some hours of waiting for the stuff to be sold on the market if you farm for items instead of silver if you don’t have einen Schwarzen Reiter or a Featherfoot] on the weekend since a practonium costs around 10m[6-13m, depending on server and supply/demand]).

whos the moron who didnt click twice to not try and get a practonium

Cant believe you people are actually defending this system. Clearly its detrimental to the player base. IMC fanboys needs to realize they are leading this game down a slippery slope.

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Yep its your own fault
I got like 6x unstable cube expired …but I know its my fault

Yep its your own fault
I got like 6x unstable cube expired …but I know its my fault

well … the first cube maybe… but the other 5 is your fault.

The game does doesn’t provide any explanation whatsoever. Checking the forums shouldn’t be necessary especially for something this important. The extra step of clicking the cube is mind-bogglingly stupid and whats more stupid is the people here want to keep the system in place rather than changing it.

you dont get it
all of the cube is my fault and I know it.

You really should’ve read the countless of people’s thread whining about practo cube expired
and avoid them
…as for me, whats done is done

I’m sorry about what happened, but I don’t agree with this point you just made.
The game shouldn’t provide you with anything regarding this matter, the chain quest to obtain the mystical cube is an hidden quest in the first place.
I honestly doubt you would go around talking with every villager NPC in Mishekan Forest (multiple times at that) if you didn’t know beforehand you need to do that, in order to trigger the hidden quest from Curtis.

This means, you either read about it somewhere, or someone told you about it, in both scenarios you didn’t bother to look into it yourself enough and read detailed informations about it, or you wouldn’t find yourself in this situation.
Is it a bad design? I could agree with that.
Is it the “game” fault? Nope, like it’s not the game fault if you, for example, messed up your rank/build, you simply needed to read more info about it.


the other day i was about to leave the game with a cube out, but the game notifies you when you have an item about to expire(mystical cube, exp tomes, stat pots, dungeon reset vouchers, etc).

i think this was implemented quite recently, but even before, it was your responsibility.

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