Tree of Savior Forum

My take on World Boss Update and Balance

They actually do affect, I remember during EA and even at OBT (there was one for the short time it would be lol), many complaining about the most different things, specially lag, other stuff that happened was triggering the quest boss get you stuck and didn’t summon the boss, it was a small percentage tho but happened, also, after finishing the boss you couldn’t return from the instance.

Not counting the slow response from NPC’s (including bosses), skills and even movement.

I’m not saying it can’t be fixed, but I doubt IMC will do it so soon, and I turn to repeat, they don’t know what they are doing.

You know what system from WoW I’m referring to right? When you are questing, lets take the WotLK content where it was presented, in the last map of that content, where there is that fair or w/e it’s called we work our arses off for reputation, that thing is instanced, you only see it after completing some quest line, when you fly there without doing it, you will see some players fading in that area, that is the one I meant.

Yes I do agree there, well I will avoid the negative part from now on, only when necessary.

That is simple solved by increasing the capacity, but then again, in the actual state, that would cause more instability. But the suggestion still can be done, we never know when IMC decide to wake up and “get some proper” knowledge.

One thing I would love to see is the bosses moving through the maps, some NPC’s that interact with it like:

  • In DP, some Kupoles could be trying to seal the boss, but the boss will stomp the ground and make bolder fall on top of them, that also could hit the players for a small damage but have a knock back effect and of course the skill would have a CD.
  • Players who fight the boss also need to protect/cure the Kupoles or the boss get stronger (can add 10% extra dmg or HP or recover HP, etc…), that way you have more strategic points during the fight while teaching people to be more cooperative (I wonder if this would even work lol, humans are so greed to the point of selling their own mother).

Those are only examples, other fights could have different stuff, like, kill the boss before it reach a certain area of the map and destroy an important object, you can destroy something set during the path to change the boss path increasing the distance and allowing the players more time to kill it.

Depends on what you call an instance, @ophiuchu.

A channel comes with all its setups, a new connection to the server that handles channel, prolly an AI controller or wrapper to the main AI controller, a controller for the drop system that must accommodate the information of all players and monster in the map, the combat system handling that also holds information of all skills being cast and chat (when you lose connection to main server and can’t send party/guild messages but still can send normal messages shows that Normal chat is handled by the same server that handles channel instead of the main one that handles login, party, friends etc), plus things we don’t know.

A quest/raid-like instance carries on the channel info and runs inside a channel, so you won’t have any Maximum Capacity Exceeded problems because you’re already inside a channel being put into a somewhat sandbox that “shares” everything a channel have and it needs.

From this point the Capacity Exceeded wouldn’t apply since it’s not a channel instance.

I honestly don’t remember this but you have one point.

One problem though is understanding (and remembering if we have the info) if this affected other monsters and/or skills outside the quest-like instances as well or only instances and if the reason was actually the server being under heavy load (would cause the problem to almost everyone) or something else such as client side problems.

I wouldn’t yet blame the number of instances since they do not carry on new channel info nor anything that creating a channel does.

I agree with you. I doubt IMC will fix it soon. Period. But the problem isn’t happening so there’s nothing to fix at the moment, I guess? It could be already fixed or hidden in some few cases.

If the problem is hidden with somewhat an obscure reason that only happens in certain specific scenarios it will be fixed if they decided to use it extensively and it starts to happen.

So, again, I wouldn’t discard suggestions that talks about raid/quest-like instances. Afaik from my guild doing raids almost in a daily basis there’s almost no boss problems (the existing bugs that does happens are related to something else) there’s no issues that seems to be caused by heavy load. We could even ask someone from SEA servers such as @Nekorin since they did/do raids to see if there’s heavy load problems there related to guild raids or quest that seems to be caused by load problems.

But let’s be honest, if we are talking about putting World Bosses in an instance when the server is handling 1000 players per channel that’s a whole different scenario just like @Awoooo said. All channel limitation would already exist within the raid/quest-like instances since they run on the same channel. These problems with 1000 players per channels would appear elsewhere first.

No. I didn’t play WoW but I’ll search about it >.< But isn’t it the same that happens when you’re a lower level character and someone runs into a quest trigger and disappears right on your face to enter the quest-like instance?

Well, it isn’t like just for avoiding negative parts. You can’t exclude all negative comments.

But when we’re talking about technical things in a negative way and putting limitations, I’d say it’s better to put up a good reasoning for what you’re saying or not go all negative.

People that doesn’t have the knowledge but have good ideas wouldn’t argue with you “oh, right, the instance limit problem” and it ends there.

But what if (and seems to be the case from how DPK works and how you can still see people’s position on mini-map etc) that quest/raid-like instance really aren’t like a new channel and doesn’t affect it that way?

So like, the “instance limit problem” doesn’t apply. You get in a place of discarding valuable idea or putting some limitation where they doesn’t exist and most people wouldn’t even argue because “it makes sense” (which doesn’t mean it’s true or that you’re right, [as well doesn’t mean that I am but I am truly sure it doesn’t carry on the channel creation limitations >.<]).

He knows damn well that problem was solved and everyone reading this is smart enough to know bringing up a problem solved over half a year ago just looks stupid.

The servers can handle it fine.

Shockingly, if you have 1000 people on the server, and you move 300 people into different instances, you still have 1000 people on the server. Hardware isn’t the issue, it was a software problem that was fixed ages ago.

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It did, I just forgot to add, I remember trying to finish some quests in the starting maps when we all started anew and the NPC simple didn’t respond, only after some seconds (or minutes in some extreme cases) they would show the dialogue.

It actually looks like lol, but it’s so smooth on WoW that you don’t notice that you got instanced unless you see a NPC appearing out of nowhere lol.

The instances are limited yet, it doesn’t appear as of now because the player base dropped considerable.

It was 1 or 2 months ago last time I really played, and there was barely anyone in the most populated maps (except DBF afkers and DP botters), if I saw people doing quests, it was around 4 or 5, and I leveled a damned char from 1 to 325 only bumping on those people every now and then.

Anyway, the idea here got good, we got all the good and bad points pin pointed, not sure about the rewarding, I didn’t paid attention on that since it would be the easiest part to deal with.

Also, without a properly optimization, the fight won’t turn out well, it may be there working in the server side, but on client side you will see many with less than 1 FPS or even freezing/crashing because of all the stuff on the screen.

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