Tree of Savior Forum

My take on World Boss Update and Balance

Don’t worry about your English, it was very clear what you meant.
A meter could be implemented on the corner of your screen, sort of like a UI that indicates if you cleared the objective of dealing x% damage to get the reward, or just list every person attacking the boss and have them in bold letters: Red if not qualified and Green if they reached the damage value to receive the reward. That way you have a physical representation and won’t have to leave it to chance that you may or may not have dealt enough damage. Then just the matter of fact of supporting your team mates so they may be able to reach it too.

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Yeah, I love the idea ^^ Even if DPS ranking can be useful (when there is a DPS-check for example), I always prefer to value the work of everyone, not only dpsing, but also tanking and supporting :slight_smile: (well, maybe because I’m main support in every game I play xD)
So yes, I really like your idea (well, the others too, that’s why I said nothing on them), and I’m happy to see that some people can think deeply about those events !
I’m really optimistic, but I hope some of your change can be implemented :slight_smile:
(I hope they could also remove the DPS ranking in dungeon/mission or add something to highlight support because I find sad to see most of the clerics healing the Boss to be first DPS :confused: )


I wished upon completing Dungeons, Missions or World Bosses a small window would appear to inform the statistics of the fight. Like how much damage was dealt every minute on average, which party or person healed the most, which party or person mitigated damage the most and which party or person dealt the most damage.

Along with which skills did the most out of things, so you may know in the future what rotation to use for certain abilities or not use them at all to maximize output.

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Yes, I wished that too because it’s so much useful and rewarding that just a “1” !
The only problem I see with that, in TOS, is that a lot of supports aren’t based on heal, but more on buffs/debuffs and facilitate DPS’s job, especially wizard support (cryomancien, linker, thaumaturge for example), and I don’t know how you can easily represent that :confused:
Hm, maybe with showing which skills have been used, as you said, but it doesn’t indicate their efficiency (you can just spam it for nothing)…
It’s an interesting idea to thing off :slight_smile:

Underneath damage it could branch off for the skills that composed the total damage with the skills used and beside them would show if it was someone else who gave you that skill, allowing you to reach that goal. And showing how much contribution you gave him, let’s say he dealt 40,000 damage (an even number for the sake of an example) and one of the buffs weren’t his but gave uptime by 10%, which would then display either the Class Icon with the Team Name or just your Team Name plus the contribution. That way buffs and debuffs also has a highlight on the list besides Healing.

+1 and a bump. High quality work TopKek. I hope @STAFF_Letitia passes this along.

Bring back worldbossing, but fairer.

One disagreement I have with the above is announcing only to the current map. Worldbosses should be serverwide announced 10mins before spawn. If this does not occur then the same complaints that caused IMC to implement the debuff will appear again - that organised guilds are timing/camping the bosses to hog them all.

I however do not know if the game can take the impact that server-wide announcements telling players to go to 1 channel on 1 map would have. Probably not.

This issue is the reason we currently have the debuff and needs to be solved if we want worldbosses to come back. We can’t pretend the complaints don’t matter, because obviously they mattered enough to get the debuff implemented in the first place. We should focus on a solid solution to the complaints that can keep everybody happy.

One alternative could be for the game world to gain regions. The map is already divided up into regions. The bosses could announce to a region of multiple maps instead of to the entire world.

This will however also increase complaints about game optimisation. We all remember what happens when 50 players are attacking the same worldboss. It made the game’s optimisation issues extremely visible to the playerbase. More visible than anything else.

I agree that tons of players attacking one boss will indeed cause too much lag. On the other hand, saying that guilds are hogging the bosses, i am not totally against this. What i mean is that, their members are taking effort and time to find these bosses in such a large map and taking notes of the bosses spawn time. If a player wants to get a particular boss then take effort to find them, wait for them to spawn, run around the maps. Asking IMC to inform players for the boss spawn is a spoonfeeding. If many guilds are waiting for a boss to spawn in one map, talk with them and you can find ways to ensure that all players in that map will have boss cubes. You want boss cubes then put some effort into it.

I know that for those of us that did worldbossing we’re all in agreement that the competitive nature of it and the organised way we all tracked them was fun.

I however don’t think we’ll get that back. We have to accept that worldbossing was killed because of the complaints about it. If we want it back, we have to solve what caused those complaints.

No amount of talking about how we liked it being organised that way will change how the majority of non-worldbossers disliked it being that way and complained A LOT about it.

Without a solution, we just won’t get it back at all :confused: So everyone loses.

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Great suggestions here. I’m actually really glad they mentioned working on field bosses is their next goal along with pvp and gvg after the balance patch.

I’m excited to see what they have in mind. Hopefully it will be a good one.

I especially liked @Nirimetus suggestions on combt side. No bad ideas here in my opinion.

My only suggestion here is to have more of them. I’m biased towards sorcerers and I want those juicy boss cards they haven’t released yet. Give them now

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Thank you everyone for your feedback, I’m pleased to know that you enjoy and agree with some or most of my suggestion toward the balance of World Bosses.

And I do like the idea of having the announcement expand from not only the current map but an entire region. Maybe it could be announced in such a way that wouldn’t interrupt players that much and can be visibly read if you missed it. Maybe a megaphone styled message could scroll on the screen informing everyone on that channel and region the Boss resides in will be spawning. Also having it in another color to distinguish it from another Player’s text would help.

I just had an idea about that.

What if when the boss spawn, the NPC’s start to talk about it? That would indicate that a boss spawned in the map, but the speech bubble need to be different, like the ones you see in manga or HQs, that spiked one that indicate the character is screaming or speaking loud.

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I would assume it would get in the way of questing with a specific NPC at that point though. I’m not a game designer or a coder, but I do think there is a limit to how much dialogue you could fit into one entity.

But if it can be done flawlessly, it would work very well and fit into the ominous feel of a strong entity taking form in that region. Like all of a sudden, NPCs would freak out or speak out of line or their animations would change to being shaky/nervous.

No, What I’m talking about is the normal speech ballons, not the dialog boxes, you know, when you go close to Klaipeda Goddess Statue, a female NPC ask where the goddesses are? That is the speech balloon I’m talking about.

Like the one above when we talk.

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Optimization is indeed a grievous problem, but you can also take into account that most or even all regions have multiple channels. A World Boss wouldn’t be binded to just one channel, that’s silly. Groups could easily plan ahead on whom they want to tag along with and where they want to start off.

Oh those. Yeah, I see no problem with adding that in. It would be a great little detail to see something is wrong with the NPC since you would have seen how it acts, passing by it everyday.

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TOS already partially employs this and it’s a good system that should be used more., but not every boss should fall into this category. Why not make it vary for each boss? Have ones that activate from kill counts, or tasks, puzzles, random spawns, cyclic timers, make them all different. It will make each boss a unique challenge, and it gives more to players to discover.

Absolutely smarter and more reactive AI is a good change to have.

Rewards need a complete overhaul, it actually reflects on a larger problem TOS has with not enough items. One of the main things world bosses should drop again are viable, unique, weapons and equipment. With additional rewards like hair accessories, armbands, Old Enhancement cards of various levels, monster cards, gem abrasives, maybe a silver lottery chest, they should just go wild with the kinds of rewards from world bosses.

A world boss should absolutely 100% be binded to 1 channel. If it is not bound to one channel then it would interfere with questing on many maps. The only way to avoid a worldboss if you’re grinding/questing and it is in the way is to hop to a different channel.

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That is true as well. But it’s very unlikely that people would start at the same World Boss every time and it must be summoned, every day and at the same time. As if it would be implemented, the Bosses wouldn’t be able to be summoned until next server reset.

And I trust in our community to learn to share the World Bosses in such a way, everyone can at least get a specific World Boss reward once every few days.

I completely agree. The current rewards we have for the bosses are extremely lackluster and sometimes unforgiving for the amount of time we spend roaming around and then killing it. But with the system I suggested, not only you would have a guaranteed chance of something you need, you also get a variety of things and feel very satisfied with the amount of time, blood and sweat you spent annihilating the boss.

Lottery chest being one of the issues. It would fluctuate the economy a bit too much and maybe even make certain items worthless. Gem abrasives are a dual-edged blade, as it would increase the likelihood of gaining higher Gems, thus decreasing value but it would help players gain better stats early on. Unique Accessories would be great; not the stat wise ones but the vanity part ones.

Added some tweaks to the original post and of course gave the credits where it was due to the members that gave me them.