Tree of Savior Forum

My SEA server fears have been realised

I played in SEA server since they opened it, and I probably have 400+ pinoy players blocked with most of them have “putang ina/bobo/gago ka” in their shout chat while only have maybe 200ish gibberish name of gold spammer.

There’s really nothing you can do OP, you either block them all or get looked down upon for asking them “english pls, I don’t understand pinoy”, and I’m not even talking about shout chat but in whisper/party chat. It gets really worst if you’re talking with them on selling/buying items, like don’t even bother with that crap.

Imagine when the game goes f2p…

Alright i cant understand philipino then

It’s like you guys couldn’t see this coming a mile away… SEA is just another flavour of ORsha. -_-

I knew this would happen.
It happens in every single MMO - SEA server.
That’s why I choose to stay in Klai.

Yup good thing I decided to remain in klai.

it wasn’t like this before the transfer happened though… (at least in the past few days)
was guessing that these were the people who came from the other servers, especially those with guilds :pensive:

they just replaced them gold spammers :expressionless:

just hate it being generalized though… I’m quietly suffering from the hate :cry:

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Oh no, the world is a varied and diverse place. How will i be able to express my closeted hate if not for internet forums.

I didn’t even see much non-english messages on Telsiai before this transfer happened (I don’t read global chat though). So this one might be as well from Orsha or Klaipeda in a first place.

And yeah so far post-transfer experiences was nothing but annoying for me and my friends on Telsiai (where we played from the start).