Tree of Savior Forum

My SEA server fears have been realised

To your people, yep.
Are you serious ???

BR speak to me in english. i give them THAT much. SO BR>PH

Is that so? then…SELL ME A TICKET TO TRANSFER BACK PLEASE !!! :tired_face:

Its a good thing i learned to tolerate high ping from a few past eu/na server games I played. At least I can hear dramas I can actually understand :v

Its shocking how gamers around the world have issues about this kind of thing.
I say gamers cuz trying to speak english with germany people in Frankfurt or even portuguese at NY seems much easyer than in this “internacional game servers”

Of course I’m serious, my countrymen keeps bragging about their pride, trashtalks everyone they meet, AND BEST PART IS YOU’LL SEE THEM BEGGING FOR ITEMS.


This ^ is true as hell. But some are able to think properly :joy:
I just got transferred to SEA from Orsha and when I saw the chat, I was like “What the hell did they do this time!”.

Yeah, some of them are good but the majority are just plain bad.

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Uhm excuse? Why are you comparing BR to PH? You’re the first malaysian i heard who can speak and type in english. :confused:

I know some of my countrymen is a bit toxic, but you shouldn’t generalize. It’s wrong ya know. :slight_smile:

Also, you should told the guy that you can only understand english. He might speak in english too if you have done that. :slight_smile:

You should be ashamed for yourself. You think you’re different from them? You’re a wanna be elite who thinks “ohhh they are trash, im not like them” bulsh!t. @_@

You know that i hate the most other than people who speaks different language on world chat? Its People like you.

INB4 this person is butthurt on this post. Not really. They’re just annoying. =)))

What? I’m different from them because I don’t brag ■■■■ like their pride, trashtalk everyone randomly with Tagalog.

And I didn’t said I’m an elite who says they’re trash. There are good ones and there are bad ones. BUT, the majority are the bad ones. GET IT?

If you’re a pinoy that got offended by this then deal with it.

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But you’re acting like one. Again, i’m not offended. I kinda hate people like you. Get over it.

Lmao, Get over it? If I’m an elitist I should have posted.


That’s an elitist.

funny, i have a full list of friends that speak english

yes, there are lots of other people who dont speak english, it’s South East Asia after all, you will get people who speak Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian, and god knows what other language,

but there are also a lot of players who are speaking english

lann3do1 is right, you shouldnt insult your own country, you better fight to improve it. We wont think you cool or better than other philipino, all you have done is provide that you are an instance how bad philipino is…
And hmm after all Telsta still belong to SEA people, thats SEA’s rule SEA’s style, hard to blame.
Just want a ticket to get back …

I’m not insulting it. I just hate the majority of them for being too much prideful and too much being of a jerk.

When I was still living there I saw alot of awful and disgusting things some of them have done.

He’s not elitist though. He just wants them to behave decently. That’s not quite the same as saying that he is better than them.

Yeah, but I can understand the psychology of the people who do that. Innocent people don’t want to be lumped together with people of a bad reputation, precisely because through no fault of their own, they get criticised for something they didn’t do either.

People who generalize aren’t right, but victims of generalization will naturally retaliate by distancing themselves from the generalized group, which is perfectly understandable since they don’t want to be blamed for something they didn’t do.


What is that sentence that they always say…?
Putang Ina mo?
I don’t even know what this means

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It means “you son of a B”.

honestly, i faced same issue too in Orsha, some player just approach me and start typing in their language instead of English (they want to sell thing). Now i had transferred to SEA. So i don’t feel ‘fresh’ to see some SEA language too. I will always just reply “Sorry, English please?”…‘politely’…