Tree of Savior Forum

My Insurance "Build"

Since the game throws you in and expects you to know bullshet like a class limits and whatnot, I decided to make what I call an insurence build with my current crap build of Wiz2 Pyro1.

No other game demands you to have prior crucial knowledge that would otherwise hinder your performance in what you do, so I didn’t realize that going Wiz1 to Pyro 1 WASN’T guaranteeing the ability to get to the higher classes(In other words, I thought that it wasn’t possible to get to let’s say…Elementalist without first going Wiz1, either Pyro or Cryo1, etc).

Water under the bridge. I do not plan to start from scratch since I plan to only have 1 mage character (not to mention all my founders stuff is on it).

So here is the build I had in mind.

Wiz 3 for the quickcast (and because Wiz2 would be a wasted class rank if I don’t go rank 3), pyro 1 well…because I kinda fked up on that one but it’s whatever now, and chrono 3 for pass and because I had my mind set on being “that guy” who manipulates time. This will ensure that whatever new class comes out on rank 8 and so forth will have quick casting, buffed damage, and lower cooldowns.

Thoughs? I’m sitting on level 14 in my Wiz2 class level so I’m still taking suggestions on how to fix my “build”.

… You would have to have a party with you even questing because wiz3 damage starts to fall off from rank 5.

You wouldn’t be able to solo anything; Idk how to make it better either because you took 2 rank 2 classes :(.

Yea I get that, but this isn’t about my damage falling off, it’s about insuring I get good damage from a later class thanks to the benifits from Chrono 3 and Wiz 3. That was my main concern.

it’ll work if you can get that high lvl with that build, but goodluck my friend.

Thanks. I do have people I party with often and soon a guild from folks from my other game who migrated here so I’m set on that. Taking that into the account, it would work hypothetically then? :o

Yes chrono 3 is really good in parties and wiz 3 would never fall off as long as they don’t change quickcast.

You’d still have a wasted class slot tho, kind of sucks but nothing can be done about that.

Sweet. Is pyro 1 really that bad though? lol

yeah pyro is kind of a good early weak late class to begin with and you only took 1 rank of it so it’ll be weak early and useless late instead.

pyro isn’t a class that’s good by itself it needs combinations with other classes to make it great like linker or psy or classes like that.

But you took wiz2 so you’re out of luck on that too.

Owch. Yea I easily could have done at least Wiz3, Ele1 Chrono3 or something like that, but the whole shoulda,woulda, coulda mentality was eating me up alive. No use crying over spilled milk. Who knows they may buff pyro later on maybe lol.

What points do you recommend I invest in on pyro? Skill-wise and Attribute wise I mean.

The other 2 skills are useless.

I get Fire Wall being useless, and contrary to popular belief that fireball sucks because it can be thrown around, the debuff attribute is nice, but why flare?

Flare requires burn debuff that can only be triggered by fireball attribute, so it’s kind of rng and doesn’t do that much dmg to begin with.

It’s ok that it can be thrown around you can do the same too, cast fireball melee it into the boss.

[quote=“Lord_Endymion, post:1, topic:179263, full:true”]I didn’t realize that going Wiz1 to Pyro 1 WASN’T guaranteeing the ability to get to the higher classes(In other words, I thought that it wasn’t possible to get to let’s say…Elementalist without first going Wiz1, either Pyro or Cryo1, etc).

I’m not sure what are you talking about. Did you hear from someone something to make you think that and you got confused?

You can pick Elementalist only at Rank 4 and it doesn’t have any prerequisites. You still would have to pick R2&3 circles before Ele. It’s just that community set meta builds that work for current game cap like Wiz c3 > Ele c3. That was not decided by IMC and any build synergy can be nerfed at any given point changing the meta.

For reference:

Back to the build. Why won’t you try some less standard builds like:
Wiz c3 > Pyro > Ele c3
Wiz c3 > Pyro > Link c1 > Necro c2
Wiz c3 > Pyro c2 > Link c1 > Warlock
Wiz c2 > Pyro c1 > Link c1 > Sorc c2 > Warlock
Wiz c3 > Pyro c1 > Kino c3
Wiz c2 > Pyro c2 > Chrono c3

I think the most solid ones in your situation are Ele c3 // Necro c2 // Sorc c2 // Chrono c3. Once the cap gets increased you will be able to catch up with meta builds.

Talking about build insurance, koreans get Wiz c3 > Cryo c3 for future updates. Don’t know how it works for them for current content.

Yea I’m well aware of what you said before now. xD
I just wish that information was presented within the game itself.

As for your build suggestions, I’m not trying to get the “best damage” per say,
I just want to set myself up for buffing future class damage. It’s a long shot but one of the what… half dozen future mage classes has to work? xD

That being said I strongly want to revolve around Chrono3 achievement.
Though I do realize Wiz3 and Ele3 is still very possible. I’m just concerned about missing out on Chrono.

Wiz c3 > Chrono c3 would be a strong base for summoner class at R9-10. It even was in the past before rebalance patch where summoners skills got split between c1 and c2.

It can only be triggered by the fireball attribute?
What about Flame ground? I’m 90% sure it works on Flame ground.

I don’t really see myself as a summoner though, but surely it would be a good base for any of the future classes right?

It does but it has like 40s cd for almost non existent damage.

You hear a cool sound of finger snapping though if that is what you want.

As of now Chrono is either support or PvP class. To be a tool more oriented towards boosting your character there would have to be more classes like Warlock with high damage nukes and long cooldowns.

It is a support, i love the person playing chrono in my party.

You run through the dungeon so much faster, you cast so much faster, you attack so much faster and your cds are up so much faster.

and you also get to kill the boss twice.

Of course it requires a dmg class in the party but why would there not be any.