Tree of Savior Forum

My First Feedback and Suggestions

Server: Gabija
Team Name: BlancxZero
Class: Wizard

Tree of Savior Bugs and Feedback (In no particular order):

When selecting the same (Tenet Garden) map from the teleport statue. The player will be teleported randomly on the map and will not be able to move, jump, or skill. However using a Klaipeda scroll will teleport the player and will be able to skill and move again.
When monsters are shot from the bottom using the skill Earthquake some mobs will be blow up in the air and will ever return to the ground.
When talking to an NPC when the bubble speech active and then pressing f3 and other side menu, the whole menu, including the bubble speech would freeze and you’d be unable to move. The only fix is talking to the NPC again and selecting some menu from the NPC. It would be nice that if you could quit the menu just by walking a certain distance even if F1-F10 menu is on.
When adding skills all the way to LVL. 8 the next level description will display incorrectly.
On the Adventure Journal > Items > and then selecting the following:
Collection, Recipe, and any selection from the drop down menu will not work (except Weapon and Armor). Search Bar will also not work.
Some [strike] weapons from the wizard class will not do melee attack when pressing “C” button. And when equipping certain physical and magic weapons that can be equipped by the mage class; all basic attack will fire an energy ball instead of doing melee attack. That will pose a problem for the Thaumaturge Class.
When scrolling with the mouse scroll in chat, the scroll bar will up, and at the same time the screen will zoom close to the character.
Some Quest has a Marked [Complete] in green color ON even though it has not yet been completed. Some quest examples are; Release Goddess Saule and the main Quest at crystal mine.

When all party member has disbanded the last party member will stay in a party unless he leaves manually. The last party member should automatically leave the party when all party members disband, saves’ the user from technical difficulty. Devs and Administrators in I.T should always assume USER’s are dumb; and as Devs and admins should make it way easier for the average and below average user.

Using Auto Mode will not alternate between mouse and keyboard. It would be nice if I could use the mouse to move and basic attack while using the (keyboard mode) keys instead of 1-10 keyboard keys in mouse mode for various skills and potions. I can’t click and move using mouse in auto mode and I hate the button composition on the mouse keys.

In-Game Feature Suggestion:
It would be nice if we could select our Rank 1 class and start as Pyromancer, Wizard, or Cryomancer and vice versa with other classes. That way all skill will be consistent and can be used to its full potential. For example, Full 3 ranks of Pyromancer with no wizard skill tree and full 3 ranks of Linker.

It would be nice if the all the bosses from the side story could be repeated, farmed, challenge and/or revisited again by different parties… Otherwise it’s just a waste of art and skill to not able to see it again.

I live in a country where internet connection would every now and then disconnect due to third world country infrastructure. It would be nice if I could just reconnect without having to logout of my character. Something like, the League of Legends “Attempting to Re-connect”.

If you are going to sell skill and stat reset scroll please make it so that you make sure you give players free stat and reset scroll 3 times when the game goes live. It will help them think about they’re character and think about their role, thus possibly giving them the sense of belonging in TOS. Thus, Possibly increase player base throughout the games life span.

It would be great If there is a Class Rank Reset. Which will allow you to Re-select Classes.