Tree of Savior Forum

My feedback on mage class and game itself 160+ wizz

So i will say the cons and things i think should get nerfed on my class and game
1-Linkers are strong on pve , pyromancers arent op on pve linkers are so if you make the linker cc skill to work only on monster not on pvp you will make people make a choice between a pve or pvp oriented build withouth having to nerf unecessary things .

2-Have some glitch on pyro skills especially flame pillar , sometimes it doesnt work several times in a row

Class ovearll-Try to not over nerf it and instead make pve - pvp oriented classes , barbarian are really strong atm for example , you dont have to nerf it hard just make it more pve or pvp oriented giving some changes to skills

Dungeons-We should have more dungeons and better drops , its really hard to get drops on dungeons , also maybe lower the xp on dungeons and make more runs so you can get more gears if buffing the drop rate is unviable

Gear-Most of the gears are literally usuless , most of the time level 40 gear is better then level 120 gear , so you guys should look better into it.

Ai-The ai on most monsters is depressing , they dont move , when they move its literally dumb 1 out of 20 maps is fine imo , the worst case is dungeons in dungeons monsters should be really agressive sometimes you can sit for several seconds near a monster before he decides to hit you , the ai overall is bad .

Grinding:Im not against griding as long as it is viable , high level maps dont have enough monsters and sometimes a mini boss monster give less xp then a casual mob 10 levels below it , withouth xp penality the same with mobs , some lower level mobs give a lot more xp then higher level ones this is really odd , so making more high populated areas you guys would make the game more fun with more places to grind so people dont get bored/ want to stop playng

Experience:The exp will probally be fine , just some areas should be improved , and more channel implemented on the popular ones , but maybe if you make more viable maps the popular ones wont get crowded?

Chat:Make a more carefree chat where people can be rude to some extent to each other since some people really enjoy it , make a trade one , and a all chat that has rules so people that doesnt enjoy rude/salty people can talk freely this way no one will be unpleased.

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