Tree of Savior Forum

My feedback and suggestions for TOS and BETA

Reposting in the correc area of the forum

First of all, i realy liked the game and the overall, but like any other game game its not perfect and there is some
things could change - things like INT which i don’t have experience or weight, who feel okay I will not comment
About the classes : im playing with warrior and archer

As you can see, in the character creation the archer is supposed to be more DPS than the warrior (ignoring itens and builds, talking about the class itself) but the archer isn’t is ANY closer to how powerfull the warrior is, most of the times the warrior don’t only do more dmg, but is thousand times easyer to keep him alive. okay okay, the archer is supposed to be more hard to play, but, you need to balance things, if the class is more fragile, you need something to keep him up, and i think the archer needs buff in the physical dmg, from the basic attacks, the skills are pretty okay, but his base dmg dont keep him at all, and the regen of the game dont allows you to keep spamming skills
About the warrior, he is very good.

Stats: they feel… meaningless
STR - "Increases physical damage and critical hit"
for scientific reasons i created a archer and he is lvl 35, and almost all the points i put in STR and a bit in DEX, i sacrificed life mana, regen(which i will talk later on) and M-def, and the damage isn’t is satisfatory or come NEAR to compensate if a had put in life which could keep me alive. Forging and enchanting make thing less painful but its no
excuse for the the lack of impact of the atribute - so basic attack is not quite viable
CON - "Increase HP, HP recovery rate, resistance for critical hit and max weight"
the ammount of HP incresed is very good, you feel the diference for every point of CON in your total HP but the regen…
think about : a DPS vs TANK - if there if no regen, the DPS will allways overcome the tank, because lots of life dont matter if you can’t keep it.
SPR - the regen is meaningless, just like HP. too much time between each regen and even putting poins to up the number of the regen, dont help at all
WHY THERE IS NO AGI? whe need something to boost the stack speed, and i’m not talking about skills,like “Kneeling Shot”, this skill lvl 5 which has “+200 attack speed” does NOTHING to the attack rate,it need to be meaningful and need to be passive, like the stat AGI, which RAG have and work pretty well
dont want to add a new stat? okay, do a passive skill to all classes to level up in the class based npc, just like the armor passive , which all classes have, for physical classes, attack speed for the mages cast speed for exemple

the jump, why? you cant jump a pixel in your face 99% of the time, and if you ant something to dodge, put a god damn roll it some I-frames
the “dash/run/sprint” of the warrior class, make to all for faster travel between areas
Leveling needs a boots in the CLASS xp, takes way too much to level up class my god. the character lvl is perfect, not too fast and not too slow, but boost up the class xp.
i dont realy know how the game estimates how much armor will reduce the damage but there is something strange
especially in the bosses and his summons, they tank ALOT, like… to much, if you are solo some bosses
will tike quite some time to die, most of the bosses are stanced so maybe how much of heath and armor could the based in the number of players, so what happends now is the bosses have medium-low damage (depending on their summons) and lots of armor

about the closed beta : i hope to see thousand more itens , and more variety, like one hand haxes , two hand axes, short bows, long bows, hammers, more classe based weapons, more variety to build based weapons, some more slow but with more dmg, others more light with the attack speed could benefit more for each point than a heavyer weapon like the hammer, i hope to see muuch more itens much more variety in all aspects
and more level itens, the itens in the beta is : lvl 1 ~ 15 then only on 40 and then 75, like, woooooow, such a high jump hum ?
severs i think i dont need to say anything, everyone is having problems, there is TOO MUCH lag, especially in gabija, looks like every one from Laima and zemyra migrated to Gabija and the server cant keep up, BUT even with Laima and Zamyra almost empty the servers are always unstable with a better ping. but right now Gabija is almost unplayable even if is not completely full. and dont want to abandon my lvl 40 character. hope to see better servers. i’m from brazil and already have the high ping Because of the distance, plus the poor severs…
The game performace of the game is a joke, the fps varies between 10 - 150, yeah, if i’m alone in the screen or with 2 or 3 players keeps around 100 - 150 , but with 10 players , or monsters it falls to 20, with a FX-8350 and R9 280x 3gb i was hoping to see a better performace, and keep ever at 60.i know my pc isn’t is a high end but come on…

thats my thoughts about the GAME and the beta, hope devs give a bit of attention
sorry for my bad english
ty. :relaxed:

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