Tree of Savior Forum

My experience of trying both Featherfoot & Warlock

I took advantage of the levelling event to take a look at both classes and decide which one I want to play, see if there is any pitfalls, and so on.

Spoiler: they both are kinda s**t.

Wizard C3

Both FF & Warlock are based on Wizard C3, for no particular reason. I already knew that Quickcast and Magic Missile are good and work great with Linker, so that’s where I went to keep things simple and easy for myself.

First Wizard invested heavily into Energy Bolt and Earthquake. Second Wizard auto-attacked for three circles. Laughably, there was no appreciable difference.

Reflect Shield does actually prevent stagger which occurs after you are hit, allowing you to move more freely, but the number of hits that it holds is just pitiful, and so RS disappears from the bar pretty quickly.

Sleep is very useful all the way, a definite 15/15. Annoyingly, does not seem to work on flying/floating mobs for some reason.

Didn’t even try Lethargy. Seems like a total waste of time.

Linker C2 / C3

First Wizard, the Featherfoot one, went Linker C3, the second one stopped at C2. After trying both I’m confident in saying that Linker C3 is a waste of a circle. C3 adds 2-3 targets to Joint Penalty (3 if you party with a Cleric), and that is pretty much all that is useful in C3 compared to C2. Extremely underwhelming.

Sharing buffs and stats sounds like a great skill to have the first time you hear about it. The punchline comes when you realize that nobody actually wants your buffs or stats. If someone really needs Surespell, or Gung Ho, or whatever, chances are good that they already have it, without your help. Same thing with stats: if someone needs lots of STR, they already have lots of STR.

An argument can be made for sharing the highest CON in the group, which sounds like something that would be universally useful in any group. Unfortunately, the buff/stat sharing link also happens to break incredibly easily, rendering the whole mechanic completely futile even if you actually manage to find a use for it.

Rune Caster

I took RC almost at random, to fill up the void left by lack of Linker C3 on my second Wizard. Don’t really have much to say about it, it’s OK. Gives you something decent to cast when Joint Penalty is on cooldown. Just a couple of nukes that are completely unusable without both Quickcast and Surespell, and the Rune of Ice, which I imagine is the actual reason to take RC (if you have any ice spells, of course).

Finally, the moneyshot.


First thing that strikes you as a freshly minted FF is the fact that something like two thirds of all the mobs in the game are immune to full effects of you main C1 spells. (I know it’s not actually 2/3 of all the mobs, but sure feels like it!)

Blood Bath is especially horrible. Not only it fails to heal you if the attacked mob is of the wrong type, but it also fails to apply the bleed effect, which is the bulk of the ability’s damage (something that the skill’s tooltip completely neglects to mention). Oh, and the bleed is not of poison property, only the initial hit is, making that Joint Penalty’s poison attribute a waste of SP.

Blood Sucking is slightly better in a sense that it at least applies the damage even if it fails to heal you, and the damage actually is of poison property. Otherwise, it’s pure s**t. It’s hard to aim (especially while levitating), has very small AOE, easily interrupted (even with Surespell), and, for the damage it does, it drains ridiculous amounts of SP.

C2 opens up Blood Curse, your main nuke, and Levitation.

Levitation pretty much just makes the game harder to play, especially in a chaos of a party, while increasing damage that your main enemies, archers, do to you. It also disables your melee-like skills, such as Blood Bath & Nga, and friendly links, if you’re still using them for some reason. Why would you bother with such a piece of s**t of a skill then? I’m glad you asked!

Blood Curse, your main nuke, requires an active levitation to work. (Again, something pretty major that the skill’s tooltip completely failed to mention.) And so it goes: you levitate and link up some mobs, which you party promptly murders. You find the biggest bunch of survivors and cast Blood Curse over them, leaving you more than half dead just from the cast alone (and god help you if there are any archers in the pack). You try to use Blood Sucking to get some of the HP back and miss horribly, since levitation messes up your judgement pretty bad. Now you got no HP, not SP, and you can’t use the rest of FF skills since you’re levitating. You put down the gamepad, click off the levitation buff with your mouse, pick up the gamepad and go looking for something alive to stab with Blood Bath in a last ditch effort to get some of your HP back before you have to crawl back to your Cleric and beg for a Heal.

F**k you, Featherfoot. Bad, bordering on unusable.


I didn’t get much time with Warlock, but I feel I got the gist of it. Warlock is all about spirits. You use spirits to kill things, and you need to kill things to get spirits. Starting to see a little bit of an issue yet? Yup, it’s classic Catch-22.

It’s not that bad, definitely not as bad as FF.

You can use Dark Theurge, Pole of Agony and maybe even Mastema (didn’t try) to get some initial murderin’ done, get some spirits. It’s all very random. Sometimes you fail to last-hit much of anything and get just a couple of spirits, and sometimes it’s a glorious chain reaction of st just blowing the fk up. But mostly it’s just a few spirits, often with nothing left to sick them on. Unreliable.

Another annoying thing about Warlock is odd, pretty lengthy delays after casting DT and Invocation. DT fails to apply any damage for a second or so right after being cast, and Invocation just nails you to the ground for a while. With a bunch of other short-term buffs to cast this becomes enraging pretty fast.

Spirits also interact with the terrain, meaning that if there’s a slope, a wall, or a step, or anything at all on the ground, your spirits, while commanded by Evil Sacrifice, will make sure to blow up on that instead of doing anything useful.

TL;DR: I’m playing a Cataphract now, and balance slowly returns to my soul.


I dont feel wl is powerfyl dt can only kill one mobe with out link. If not count after lv300 that mob have so high mdef mm+jp still be the best combo for me. Invocation nearly do no damage with low dense mob map. For now i know it pyro empire now but i think wl wasnt that good class.

Featherfoot is pretty nice after the combat system changes currently (might change though).
I’m pretty curious how a Wiz1>Cryo3>Psychokino1>Runecaster>Featherfoot2 build would actually play out, but for now I’m not planning to play until we get the reset and after that wait till I’m done with my studies in October/November.

Depending on my financial situation, I might actually try some Featherfoot just for the lulz of levitating.

Btw, judging from the Warlock videos, new Warlock seems kinda weak, especially since Dark element took a huge hit with the -50% damage against Dark element, as many enemies are of this element in TOS…

Meanwhile Poison element got boosted by dealing additional damage [11,25% if I remember correctly] against the standard elements without suffering any devastating damage penalty.

new warlock is not weak on non resistant enemies, mastema is probably one of the strongest skills in the wizard tree right now, other than those skills such as ice blast, flare, alchemistic missle, combustion, etc.

The fact that you don’t even mention Ngadhundi makes me think that the problem lies not in the FF class.


The fact that you don’t even mention Ngadhundi

I do, actually, in passing. Ctrl+F.
But anyway, what’s so great about Nga?

Ngadhundi applies a decay debuff that decreases enemy health by a % of their max hp over time. After something like 12 seconds (can’t remember), the enemy dies, no matter what it is. This can be comboed with CC classes like kino to stall out an enemy and guarantee kills, or thaumaturge’s swell/shrink to kill any enemy within a couple seconds. (Swell the enemy to increase its max hp, hit it with ngadhundi, and then shrink it. I think Ngadhundi snapshots the max hp when it is applied, so it starts ticking for double the normal monster’s hp after it shrunk to a fraction of the max hp.)

Also, I assume you know about Intasurta gloves, which allows hp drain on plant types.

I’m sorry that you didn’t like FF. It’s definitely a niche class. Personally I really liked my Pyro2 link1 sorc2 FF2. It’s mostly a general purpose build but flying overcame a lot of issues for me getting hit by stuff (never liked surespell anyway), and it’s a lot of fun layering pyro, sorc, and FF skills on top of each other for damage. And having a personal tank to distract is nice haha. I rerolled to Wiz3 link2 thaum FF and I hate it. Literally only useful for links, and my melee wiz does a better job killing stuff. I’m planning on resetting to my old build later, and hope it still works like I like it.

Like caglior explained above, Ngadhundi allows you to kill any non-boss mob in the game in 26s that it takes for the debuff to trickle mob’s hp down to 1. Now multiply that by the number of links (or the amount of mobs that your Magnetic Force can gather). Combos with thauma and/or necro allow you to reduce mob hp quicker, but I won’t comment on them since I have neither in my build.

Before the Big R8 Nerf, Ngadhundi was actually the main PVE tool in FF’s kit, rather than the flashy suicide bombing. And even though the nerf made it less appealing (since other classes can kill things much faster these days), on the other hand, the JP-HK-Kundela Slash combo can now kill most if not all stuff in the game - depending on the number of your linker circles and the amount of mobs around to link.

Try using your character properly, and maybe you’ll find it not as bad as you have imagined it.

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That’s probably the reason why I didn’t pay much attention to Nga. At 1 skill point it does something like 20% of max HP in damage over something like 10-15 seconds. It also works only once per mob and does not work on all types of mobs, it appears.

Theoretically it’s an amazing skill, with perfect scaling, but, as you said it, there are much better options to kill stuff.

So does JP-HK-Magic Missile, without being an easy to miss melee skill.
Really, if you have enough targets in your JP+HK, you can pretty much just fart at them and they will die. The power is in the JP+HK, not Kundela.

A niche class is OK, I just fail to see what the niche actually is. Where does a FF shine, in what area?

With JP+HK, Ngadhundi applies debuff to all the grouped mobs. As far as i know, Magnetic Force works that way too, although it probably doesn’t ignore the AoE rate. It also works on every non-boss mob in the game, although it can be resisted like any other debuff.

While there are better options, indeed, 26s to kill all the linked mobs in four clicks is still quite decent. And importantly, that time is not gear-dependent in the least, which was quite helpful when I used my FF to farm 315 mats for my main before the R8 nerf.

Unfortunately, i’m yet to have a wiz3 linker with an orange transcended rod. Without it, this combo barely manages to kill 100k mobs for me, using a single linker circle. Kundela is much more helpful in that regard, its only bane being mobs resisting HK.

By “once per mob” I mean it does no Decay damage if you apply it the second time, linked or not.

My MM with something like +40% in attributes does a little more damage than Kundela 3 (or 2), if I remember it right.