Tree of Savior Forum

My best option for soling :D

Hey guys i finally got the Ele- W2 build but this is so crap and i dont like the way is goingW2 so i made 3 new options for my self and im chosing the best one for re roll, mostly for soling because im not soooo active player. this is my options right now my favorit ones.

I know the Cryo FF dont mix if you dont have w3 for quick cast, but i leave some damage for more defense and draing xD. ELE3 FF2 yes i know it miss linker but it get aoe from elementalist XD.

thank for the help you all.

Change this to wiz3linker2thaum1feather2 and you should be fine.
Elementalist nowadays is pretty mediocre without linker.
Featherfoot is Especially mediocre without linker.

Your first build wont do much damage, so scrap that.

u cant play featherfoot without linker

these r ur best options for soloing endgame as a mage

  • has invincibility to melee damage as well as range damage
  • with the agni necklace ur OP af
  • that xxx can be whatever; chrono recommended, but can also go linker or kino
  • can stunlock enemies; ur basically untouchable


  • amazing damage
  • can heal self
  • invincible to melee damage
  • can be super tanky and never die unless u blood curse on low hp
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Yes gys i know thats are not the best combinations, bt i want to know witch one is better option, i want to have ice on my build for that i choose that ones.

The actual thing is: You can’t “solo” just because you have cryo c3. Nothing happens when you can control enemies but can’t kill them. Monsters have way too much mdef and health for you to to spend 3 ranks on a classe that has no damage whatsoever. Also, ele3 is starting to fall off already.

IF you still want to follow one of those you posted, 2 would be the way, so you can try to dig your way into damage with FF. BUT it will suck, considering you want to “solo”. Decisions, decisions.

cryo is a party class i think :\ you could try something with cryo/psico/rune caster for using PP on ice wall but dunno if that’s doable while soloing high level maps

well yes i know its hard to make something to cryo i learn already in the sad way but mybe with ele i can make something because i get really bored with Wl its not my way to play, for that i think on mix with FF its more strong for me, and i just want make a ice mage, but not a support one, idk maybe something and sage or even linker>FF.

Your best option for solo at R8 is Swordsman or Cleric.

Linker 3 > Warlock/FF is you want to do Wizard, the problem is stuff hit too hard to Solo.

Temple Shooter helps but is not enough. Everyone has to party now.

yeah i know swordsman and cleric are the ebst option but i love the ice and i want my main char to be a ice character, so i think about cryo3>linker>necro3 that its good? I dont like to mch the summons but are good help, while FF gets better XD, my favorite idea is mix ice with blood sucking, because a glass cannon dont work for soling :frowning:.

ff sucks and will always sucks

Yeah thank for your opinion but i like it :smiley:

You need sage at least for missile hole if you just want a solo build. Because otherwise you’re taking too much fire from ranged mobs solo.

And you got to keep in mind there are a lot of mobs that are also Link immune. And that’s going to give you a lot of trouble as well.

The 2nd suggestion of Pyro2-3/something/Sage is probably the most viable. For just outright melt face solo build.

Because by the time you level the character up to the difficult zones Agni neck will be in the game. And you’ill have the damage to kill high mdef 280+ mobs that are link immune.

Oh and one last disclaimer. Agni is the only elemental neck released right now and it’s Fire spells. But there are Ice and Lightning variations that have been datamined in the code. So it’s possible Pyro will not remain top dog forever. And they aren’t top dog yet till Agni is released on iToS. But it should be in a patch or two.

You may honestly get your dream some point of having viable Ice Damage dealer at some point if you’re patient. And you might not.

Yeah maybe need more pacient, but for now maybe the W3>Cryo3>kino>sage wll be good for me? what you think say yes

Potentially… That’s a lot of what if’s though. And you may want RC for ice rune.

Yeah but it will need a sacrifice, maybe no w3 XD but what you think?

I’d wait till you see the ice neck released first before you start contemplating let alone leveling. Datamined items aren’t necessarily coming in a few weeks let alone a few months… Let alone ever if they’re not deemed balanced.

i just made a new one build idea but i need some coments :smiley:

I made for take some tanking opcions give from cryo and some sustain from FF1.

Build seems decent, but Im not sure if linker 1 will satisfy though…

but I do not recommend going featherfoot 1. you are missing out on good skills in featherfoot 2 like quick cast into levitate and blood curse combo which is quite good.

I think you should go linker first after wiz 3 then cryo 3 to make mobbing a lot easier with magic missile.

I personally think Cryo is a PVP centred class and some might argue that it has good CC, but I just think the cool downs are too long and the other skills like iceblast pre-nerf were what made it fun.

which is that combo? the only way to make this FF2 is W2>cryo3>linker>FF2 i think but quick cast give alot of damage

hello guys i have been playing with my ele3 build and now is time to decide one new build with this base, im this 3


which give me more options for soling dungeons, thank you all :D.