Tree of Savior Forum

My 2 Wizard buids

Ok so i am making 2 wizards. (about to start leveling one, the other is planned for future)

Starting to level now while waiting for miko

is this build good? stats?

confused on where i should go for rank 6… thauma 3? but my damage will be bad… wiz 3? necro seemed best for me

lol just started and my auto attack isnt 1 shotting tree root crystals and doing 1 dmg on leaf bugs, i dont know how my thauma will survive

Pyro 3 > Linker 3 > Sage for Agni necklace

Pyro > Linker 2/3 > Sorc 2/3 > Sage for bats army and some Agni necklace spells too.

Wiz 3 > Linker 2 > Thauma 1 > Featherfoot 2 is meta FF

If you really wanto to craft Reversi scrolls, then go:

Wiz > Pyro (or Wiz 2 if Featherfoot) > Linker 2 > Thauma 2 > Warlock/Featherfoot > Enchanter. Enchant Fire, JP, HK, Reversi and Pole of Agony are good scrolls for selling as an Enchanter. FF for solo-ability with self sustain.

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your first build is nice
sage synergies with pyro’s fire balls and sorc’s bat army.
for skill distribution, I think you should drop flare and only invest hell breath to lv1 and invest the rest point to fire wall lv15, some peeps on the other thread said that fire wall only shine above lv10. cmiiw since I myself didn’t tried fire wall lv15 yet

your second build tho… I dunno, it seems terrible. this build will get really hard time leveling lol