Tree of Savior Forum

Musketeer need to be strengthened!!!!

This is really a rip job. no strong dps and no aoe skill!!!
It’s a red job!! are u kidding me??? it’s worse than a green or yellow job!!!
Urge to strengthen musketeer cause he can’t live now.

But… but u can buttstroke people.

What else do u need?!

it was intended to be major in single target dps… if you wanted aoe… you should have taken cannoner same rank as musket… :confused: those are specialized in aoe…

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lol you’re right. :confused::confused::confused:

also skills and stats don’t mean as much as before… a better weapon can give you the best dps you can push on a character… :smiley:

but I didn’t see dps compared to inquisitor and doppel

dragoon+15 already········

to be honest i never seen someone with a dragon piper on hand or even the 315 rifle or the solmiki one… i have a musket… and im using aoe from a wugi… im only using a vienie musket x10 with x3 6 star red gems… the only thing i can get in snipe in 290 dun 44k the most… I can’t say much couz i dont have a practo weapon yet and not yet trans weapon… but at least you get a little feedback

my inquisitor same +11 weapon often 555555 dmg. but musketeer only 210K most````

Help me understand the logic of, before picking a class, going through each skill and seeing almost nothing but very high, bursty damage abilities with long-ish CDs and thinking to yourself, “this looks like it would have really high sustained DPS or AOE.”


but I didn’t see dps compared to inquisitor and doppel[/quote]

Depends on the inquis build, if you lose on DPS to most inquisitors on a musketeer you’re probably just really bad. As for doppel, its intended use is very apparently sustained PVE DPS.

Until you can skip floors, it’s unlikely that anyone will have a Solmiki Musket. It will probably be BIS forever though. The bigger issue of course is that most musk builds aren’t going to be good for Solmiki at all unless you build a party around it, and if you’re spending that much time in Solmiki on another class, you probably want to devote some items to the class you’re bringing–a weapon for another char isn’t going to be it.

I have a Dragoon Piper since my musk was my PVP main until missile hole became a prevalent feature. Emengard musket is dubious but Dragoon Piper is great. Since I swapped mains though I didn’t even put a 2nd gem in it.