Tree of Savior Forum

Musings on iToS Balance - Part III of V (The All for One Syndrome)

I looked this guy’s work up and it’s actually socializers. Socialists would be the “casual players” who demand to get all the best rewards without putting time and effort in themselves.

What a load of BS; that site was written by someone who’s too butthurt about losing to understand the type. Some achievers are worse griefers than many killers because achievers get fun from being above others, and therefore might conclude they benefit from making others lose. For a killer, a hard fought loss against a skilled opponent is still fun, while winning easily against a dumb AI might not be. The killer hates boredom and likes surprises.

Regarding all for one, IMC dug themselves a deep hole by introducing massive power inflation (which is the enemy of balance) and changing the restrictions on shards, which were originally untradable. If they’re going to abandon the plan, they need to come up with a new plan and account for the side effects.

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People do not like to hear the truth

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Lol flagged…I thought it’s clear that the devs don’t speak English well or at all. And it’s unclear if the staff will translate the whole text properly for the devs.

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Interesting take on the taxonomy. Usually tests on personality are like that, they make the player choose one out of 2 which describes them better, even if both doesn’t. Usually for single player RPGs they usually have a less complex class progression system as compared to a MMO.

No choice, everything needs to be “cheaper, better, faster” nowadays when we are competing with the international market. To generate new and interesting content takes a huge amount of time, and time isn’t a luxury for most companies. So, most of the time they will just add in more “of the same but different colored” buttons for us pigeons to peck at them more.

It is hard to balance content that is suited for both casuals and the hardcore. Normally to add difficulty, means the content will require more skill from the player to clear (games like Demon Souls, Monster Hunter). But casuals don’t dig this, when faced with a wall they can’t pass, they will just leave and play another game. Hence most games, especially MMOs who want to retain as much playerbase as possible, opt for another way to present difficulty, which is higher monster base stats and hp. And to surpass and clear this difficulty, solutions are to grind until the player character gets to that level/gear. This method sits well for casuals as skill required isn’t changed much, the only thing changed is the time needed.

Yeah they should just rename it as Schroedinger’s cube. Yesterday my game time was just 5 runs of saalus (5x Royal mau) and opening this cube for 3 potions. Disappointed at it and logged out.

Yes, it is becoming more common and it really felt that it is what they want us to do, to run multiple alts for the game. Getting 46 valentines cube, 46 x 4 = 184 materials required, needs 30days of full 6 runs (3dg, 3 mission) for 1 character to clear with perfect RNG. Given 3 weeks to do it clearly implies that 1 character only accounts aren’t really welcomed in this game. They need to change they way the do events, not player likes having numerous alts, some just like to keep to 1 character only.

Having community/server wide quests is really good. WoW has a few of these, like gathering materials to open up new areas etc.


Yes, in an ideal MMO, player generated content will be the best. I’ll leave the discussion for that for Chapter IV on interplayer content, if not I’ll have nothing much to write haha. If only players can post their own guild quests it will be really fun, like a guild quest board.

@fatedhour, @Val

I feel pretty much the same too. I like creating new characters to try out new builds, new experiences and such, not to make them just to support/feed my main.

Thanks for taking the time to read, I do know that they are really long posts.


Yeah, good time to hibernate then. :3


Thanks for the correction. I agree that they need to fix transcendence, the worst thing they did imo is to open it up to be tradable, making it get out of hand.


The devs wouldn’t read much at all, sad truth T_T.

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They should do this, but untradeable to other player. Unfortunately IMC coding is weird af. They can’t make a team-storage-tradeable-only items. It’s like, they treat our alts as other player. Except tp items I guess. You can put soul crystal in team storage.

[quote]Yes, it is becoming more common and it really felt that it is what they want us to do, to run multiple alts for the game. Getting 46 valentines cube, 46 x 4 = 184 materials required, needs 30days of full 6 runs (3dg, 3 mission) for 1 character to clear with perfect RNG. Given 3 weeks to do it clearly implies that 1 character only accounts aren’t really welcomed in this game. They need to change they way the do events, not player likes having numerous alts, some just like to keep to 1 character only.

Well we have the option of getting it through market. I spent 3m to complete the 50 boxes. Lots of people selling at 10k each or 20k. Thats probably the reason why the condition is hard. I dont think it was IMC intention of running multiple chars to complete the event. They want us to use the Auction instead, but thats just me.

I’ve taken 2 month+ breaks from the game myself and nothin wrong with that at all. That’s the beauty of free to play mmos. Can come back at any time and keep going.

Just need to remind myself to purchase a token BEFORE i quit next time =P


Still problematic because it supports the “All for one”-meta even more, as long as most characters are the same base Class.
I think they should make the dungeon&mission entry limits Team based and increase the numbers/make a weekly or monthly limit instead of a daily one. This would still control the influx onto the market, but allow a more focused gameplay and allow players to choose when they want to do what.

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They could put a limit on it, something like only up to Stage 4 trans is team-storable and/or weapons can’t be stored but all other equipment can.

This test kinda reminds me of the Myer-Briggs Test

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