Tree of Savior Forum

🎵 💃 Tree of Savior Dance

In the end, its all in the hips.

That reminds me of one game.

Imagine a dancer/songstress class that has some moves/notes and chanting them in certain combination would provide certain effect, different combinations for different effects… You have to keep chanting for continuous effect.

Pon! Pon! Pata! Pon!

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it was the official IMC YT page, if you look in there there is the first trailer of ToS kCBT1 and Wolfknights videos.

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Best dance ever! Source…

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I heard there was an awesome GIF dance party.
I came and saw the post.
I was not disappointed.

I will forward your suggestions to our Dev team.


But you havent contributed to said dance party T_T.

The only dance I can do is… Caramelldansen.

And I only do that when the stars align and Cthulu brings a six-pack to the party…


mmmhm… ok.

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sempai noticed me


Did someone say…


Nyan cat theme does not equal Nyan-Nyan dance. Those two are completely different things.

I prefer Ranka one lol.

This one.

We don’t need an animated dance, we can just do this! (also my god I hate gifsoup)

When I read “Tree of Savior dance”, I thought you were talking about adding a special dance animation in the game, that makes the main menu music plays while the character dances it.

like this ?

[quote=“nizidr, post:51, topic:127272”]
Nyan cat theme does not equal Nyan-Nyan dance. Those two are completely different things.[/quote]

I know. I just think that Bollywood dance would be more entertaining to watch instead of the typical Nyan dance.

Ah ok lol, well it goes by taste.

I think that Bollywood fight scenes are even more entertaining than their dancing. :slight_smile:

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Monk would be a more amusing class to play with those kinds of animations.