Tree of Savior Forum

🎵 💃 Tree of Savior Dance

Imagine a new class: Dancer that requires you to buy emotes/types of dances from cash shop to activate its skills, but when you activate it everyone around you start dancing (getting some sort of buff in the process, maybe they have to dance for 5-10 sec without interruption to get the buff). Classes that are not Dancer that have bought these dances will just dance alone without benefits.

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possibly this one

its more like a bard one because from class name it just means “someone that plays macumba”. Speculations wont do any good until its skills are revealed.

so back to dancing gifs then

[quote=“Karjalainen, post:24, topic:127272, full:true”]
so back to dancing gifs then

That would be a pretty stupid approach for a single class, instead would be better if, the dancer to acquire certain dances (and buffs) do some sort of quest line, that could be applied to other classes like some sort of new skill ranks (not class ranks).
I forgot to point out that the CS dance is just a cosmetic with no active or passive effect.

[quote=“nando20xx, post:26, topic:127272”]
That would be a pretty stupid approach for a single class, instead would be better if, the dancer to acquire certain dances (and buffs) do some sort of quest line, that could be applied to other classes like some sort of new skill ranks (not class ranks).
[/quote]there is no profit in that. :slight_smile:

or something like Centurion but everyone dances in their grids.

or Ragnarok-style solos/ensembles…

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or a consumable mic a player can setup. the user will sing and dance, any idle characters and NPC(?) within a certain radius of the user will dance in sync of the mic user. its completely cosmetic and doesn’t affect gameplay.

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Things are escalating lol.

no! we’re jsut starting


imagine class needing some sort of power suit to dance

[quote=“nando20xx, post:31, topic:127272, full:true”]
Things are escalating lol.
[/quote]Lets crank it up a little bit more…
(damn forum not processing youtube videos anymore)

Cash shop item is purely cosmetic purpose, I wouldn’t mind about it either :wink:

It shows the link not the embed frame.

Yeah, dance emote =/= dance skill (whichever class use dance as skills).

because i had to manually add URL tag for forum to show it at least as url…

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Ah ok, and i thought it was the stylish script that was messing up the forum, but it is not.

oh there was a GE tease with dacing that was not implemented ingame:

Probably some sort of fan made dancing video using in-game models… there are plenty of those around internetz for almost any game: (#elinmasterrace)

Need fever.