Tree of Savior Forum

Murmillo - Hoplite vs Peltasta comparison

hey, anyone know if murmillo’s skills can be use with spear-dagger?, i know we can use spear shield since the patch last month , but i do not remember seeing anything related to spear-dagger, so if anyone can confirm for me, i will be thankful.

depending on the skill, you could use spear+dagger. as of right now, you could use spear+dagger w/ cassis crista, frenzied slash and headbutt

sorry for being rude, but are you sure of it?
because in the mean time from my previous post, to your answer, i have been doing some research, i found the original patch notes.
where it only points out to spear+shield spear+artifact.
here is the link:
as you can check the pastebin: it only says rapier-dagger and sword dagger, there is not spear-dagger, only spear-artifact like i have wrote.
this seems to be killing me, because i was doing a theory craft for a Forfun mumilo build, as hop2 corsair 2 shinobi murmilo that is already corsair 1 btw with focus on spear-dagger, using those same skills: cassis: frenzied: headbutt, but i got stuck a few minutes ago, when i did not find anything about spear-dagger being possible.
so now i’m going crazy , because IMC allowed the use of rapier_dagger, but not spear_dagger, it seems :(.

edit: just asked a murmilo in game, and spear+dagger seems do not work, with any skills , :frowning: too bad since imc allows for rapier-dagger, sword dagger, but not spear-dagger :(.

going to check in game. i didnt try using the spear dagger but since it is shown in the tool tip in game, i expected it to do so. will edit this post after testing

EDIT: yes, it appears we cant use spears+daggers. my bad, as stated i assumed it from in game tool tip description.