Tree of Savior Forum

Murmillo build help

how does a pelt3>rode3>murm2 compare to the reti/shinobi variants? I went murm2 because I really liked the theme of the class even if I know it’s not optimal

In my opinion Murmi2 is only worth it for Sprint move speed. Getting higher max lvl in Headbutt / Scutum hit increases your overall skill damage by approx. 18%, while using a 1h spear instead of 1h sword (which Reiti 1 allows you to) will give you an approx. 10% boost to physical atk. This means just the use of 1h spears over swords almost completely makes up for the loss of increased Murmi skill caps already.

Shield Train is still a bad skill. It deals about as much damage as my Umbro Thrust / Butterfly, but it has only one overheat. The fact it fails so horribly at grouping up mobs never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes it spreads mobs even further than they were before.

In comparison, Trident Finisher has 3 overheats, 20 sec cd (compared to shield train’s 25 sec), and deals a whooping 5158% average skill factor per overheat when coupled with net debuff (2074% * 2x from net debuff * 1.25 extra crit dmg factored into crit chance). It also has a super quick motion animation, which allows you to dish out all three overheats in about 1 second. I don’t know how anyone can think the extra 8% damage in striking skills coupled with High Kick will make up for the loss of Trident Finisher’s 5158% * 3 = 15555% skill factor burst capability. Even without Net debuff, it’s still 2592% * 3 = 7777% skill factor, way more than two headbutts or three scutum hits (either buffed with High Kick).

And of course, Reitiari’s grouping capability is way superior than Murmi 2. Pull Rete helps a lot in party play when mobs are too far apart and they aren’t focusing on you because your Swash is on cd.

I’m a Pelta3 Rodel3 Murmi2 myself (ran out of rank resets), but I feel like Murmi 1 Reiti 1 is a superior option to almost any existing Murmi build.

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When was the last time you played milo2? Shield train is much better now after the update. Better pull and dsmage from extra 30%. Next patch will improve a bit further with shield buff and cheaper trans cost.

I have both reti and milo and both have their ways.

I suggest pelt3-hop2-nobi-milo2. I never tried sword variance but I would go pelt2-rode3-nobi-milo2

It’s still a bad skill for having only one overheat for the damage it does. And it doesn’t even scratch the skill factor of Trident Finisher. If you play milo2 you should also know it’s pull is very unreliable.

It’s more suitable in ET, CM and cluster area map. With high aar, swash>postioning>Shield train and end with scutum double aar, you pretty much clear 10-20 mob.

But hey, as @MrFioz said, if you like the theme you can always work it out. Altho, those without investment will have harder time to enjoy it :smile: