Tree of Savior Forum

Murmillo Advancement Quest

Is simple: the boss has 3M HP in our server, but originally he should have 1,302,055m HP like in kTOS.
I was doing the quest and my Shinobi has 30k HP, he in 3 hit kill me.
In kTOS the boss is more weak, here’s the proof:


I think he needs a fix ^^

Completely agree have a 274 c1sw c2 pelt c3 rode and c1 corsair and have no idea how to kill that guy. Not enough damage output on my end and seems no end. Heard other tanks builds doing the battle for 2 and a half hours and I don’t know if it’s just me but that seems like a problem. Very disappointing to get to r8 and come up against what seems impossible task for certain people. As for right now my only choice seems to start over or slowing level up to its level and hope I can kill it.

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