Tree of Savior Forum

Multi-account abuse mitigation during events

I have been thinking about the issue and i think i found a way to greatly mitigate abuse during events that award diamond anvills:

  • whenever a piece of equipment is traded directly between players or bought from the market - put a 24hr effect on it (much like enchantment) that would prevent it from being re-traded or re-sold while effect lasts.
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Multi-accounts are either legit or not. Why punish everyone with new “no trade” mechanics?

Yes your Idea might prevent another “DA Event” abuse but it wont change the fact that the most effective way to play EVERY ToS content is in a 5-player party with yourself.

I’m not really sure how that would “punish” anybody, but event abusers. There is no real reason to trade equipment between accounts THAT often. Although it might affect/delay “market flippers” by a day, but thats not critical, imo.

Same excuse people used to talk about AFK Necro farmers back then.

All goes down to if you like to abuse systems as long as it’s not within punishable range or not. There’s a reason many people complain about it and only a smaller part defends these types of gray area things.