Tree of Savior Forum

Mouse mode control: Some have to be improved

Mouse mode is the best this game could have. But it seen like lack of care.
In my opinion, all control mode have lack of care but mouse mode is the most of it. Why?
Because it un-full fill funtional. Why again?

First of all, keyboard mode have a separated key for evey funtion, Z for attack, X for Jump, C for sub-attack, Space for talk/action it seen very well set.

But in mouse mode, attack/talk/action joined into 1 left-click button. Which make every uncomfortable for many case.

Ex: For quests that requie to collect/havest thing from boss or fainted monster but not killing it, the task is impossible for mouse mode because when you click on it, it will read as attack command. Or some case the thing you need to interact with is got overlapped by something else or just too crowed and too small to click on… like treasure chest or goddess statues in town(it’s look very big but only a small circle can interact with, even smaller than the mouse focus).

That make a very poor experince when you have to change to other mode to make the work done. That happen to other mode too, but the worst case is mouse mode.

And some time moving around and use skill in munber bar trigger the quest-teleport-backspace. I think this a bug.
And plus, space key is overlap with talk/cofirm command so sometime it do awkward things like… jumping while talking/doing. :stuck_out_tongue:

My suggest is make a key for action/talk to separate is with attack/move command. And fix the bug.

And second, above is about too-many-funtion-key now time for no-real-funtion-key.

Yup, for every gamer from casual to pro, we love the right-click button. It’s itchy if i don’t click it for like every mins. But playing this game is like for hours.

The only use for right-click is to stalk someone’s profile or block bot. It’s don’t have any real use for the most useful key.

That not talk about 6-key mouse is very popular in now day. A lot of people, like me like to set funtion for those button in game.

My suggest is to make “stalking” funtion into alt+r-click or something else(but my opinion is alt+r-click cause i use it all the time to see the player’s name), and let it have some real use funtion, like sub-weapon for sample. But the best solution is let us to custom the key on mouse buttons.

And the last thing i want to suggest is make a hotkey to switch the control mode.

Cause i think that not only me who play both swordman and archer class. And they use different mode control, i don’t want to waste my Expensive pots just because i forgot to change the mode when in other char. :’(