Tree of Savior Forum

Mouse frozen during real full-screen mode

As many of the of the user of this game I have a lot of FPS problems. One of the solutions that a lot of people is sugesting is changing the display of the game to real fullscreen by changing it from inside the steam folder of the game.

Doing that I had an increase of at less 10 fps, but now the mouse icon is fozen when I’m playing, I can see the simbol in my screen but I cant move it. On the other hand I still can “move” the mouse and click into options if I want, but I can’t see where I’m pointing at cos the icon doesn’t move, it’s like moving a ghost mouse. If I change it back to windowed or “fake” fullscreen the problem resolves, but my fps go down as before.

Sorry if my english is a little broken, but it is not my main lenguage, I hope some of you could give me some advice or solutions to this problem. Thanks in advance.