Tree of Savior Forum

Moringponia isgarinti

Hello, I wanted to know if anyone knows how the Moringponia Isgarinti set works, I have it full trans 10, +10 each part but I feel that it does not increase the damage of my summons

I have the same question. Since I have the same effect and the damage is the same.

Assuming the set effect worked, the effect is additive to the already huge multiplier of desmodus and gather corpse, hence the small increment.

The damage increase only applies to your Sorcerer demon, and only when you are using Riding or when you have the art Summoning: Self active.

As stated, it is also an additive damage modifier, so this is simply added onto the already large damage modifiers of Desmodus and Gather Corpse. This could potentially make it feel less impactful than you had thought it would be.

Rest assured though, it is functioning properly.

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