Tree of Savior Forum

Monster Energy drops... and summons

So I’ve been in the 220 hg and people tell me they drop in hg but i haven’t gotten a single energy from 2 hrs of farming…

I go into tenet church and see people getting monster energy there so i go there to farm as well but still nothing after an hr.

I’ve been using necro summons and sorc summons to farm and to my observation it doesnt seem like monster energy drops from summon killing the mobs… can anyone confirm this? Either i’m extremely unlucky or this is intentionally to prevent afk farming (even though ur not)

Ther must be a max difference of 10 lvls between you and the monsters to drop energy, probably that was the problem on tenet unless you were on a party with low level players.

I want confirmation about HG too

HG do drop em btw and way higher than i expected. I was getting like 20-30/h.

I was in a party with my friend who’s 330 who was also farming tenet and according to him he got monster energy drops… but it may have been because there were low lvl players there farming as well so may it have been their drops but they didnt pick up?

also if there is a lvl requirement between mob and u… isnt it a bit unfair for 300+ players just because the mobs are just so ridculously tanky

But yeah i still need confirmation if there truly is a lvl dif requirement and if summons do affect whether energy drops or not

tested myself with a new character, energy stops dropping once mobs are past 20 levels below you. There seems to be no limit with levels above since they drop even when I’m killing stuff 40 levels above me. As long as you have a party member nearby within this level range from the monsters you are killing, monster energy will drop for you as well

okay thanks Kihseki! Just confirmed it is cause of lvl requirement

Strat is basically take a friend on a low lvl char and u farm the monsters for them

Will post a screenshot for those skeptical later

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