Tree of Savior Forum

Monster Card info

Updated/Updating Monster card info guide for players who might want to search for specific cards and know whether or not to fodder or to keep.

Please let me know of any feedback regarding design or card usefulness and i will update it accordingly if i think its justifiable.



There are plenty of two-handed builds that would benefit from Bebraspion, some AA Inquisitor, AA Musketeer, Monks, and many Zealots to name a few.

Good list though regardless.

Palemoon? Iz that you?

Yes I am Palemoon on klaipeda server.

Oh yea I forgot about the musk and inqs, will update when I get home

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Wouldn’t Kepa Chieftain be useful for Thaum farmers? Most monsters are medium and you’d be swelling them to large. Double Swell if they’re small.

hmm well that would be the point of “not viable unless farming exclusively large types”

though i think most of them just run chappas too for damage calculation

Hi there! You might find this useful while continuing to fill in the list:

I do not take credit for that list, it’s from this post:

I’ve been using this for a while now and it’s pretty accurate. It is about 6 months old though, so I don’t know whether things have been changed since then. Enjoy!

Stone Whale cards can be very effective to help with survivability. They can easily have 100% uptime in a mobbing situation, and high uptime in a bossing situation depending on attack speed and skill hit counts. They can be better than Yetis and Neops. I recommend putting them to Useful.

I’ve been thinking of getting 3 Kirmeleech cards for my cannoneer with the attribute, but yeah, pretty low value. Less than the block from the Molich cards even, for some reason.

Then Lepus should be classified as Fodder too.

Quicken is of course better, it’s +330 (at level 15) compared to +30 from the cards. I wouldn’t call them useless really, it can supplement a lower DEX investment or lack of a Chrono.

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A little comment about rafene card before more people get confused.

It’s actually a good card if you need all or at least 4 of the stats, 3 x 10* Rafene:
+10 STR, +10 DEX, +10 CON, +10 SPR, +10 INT…50 total stat value.

You can’t get that elsewhere no matter what cards you mix in.
Everyone “wants” SPR/CON
Physical DPS needs STR/DEX
Magical DPS needs INT

I’ve been considering using it on hackapelle and BM since it needs str dex con and spr. A really good card IMO

And if you are a zealot, every stat listed here is actually good for you

actually it rounds down because its [card level / 3], the game itself always rounds down so its technically +3 to all stats per lvl 10 card. in the end if u stack 3, then its + 9 to all stats

Are you sure it works this way with 3 level 10 rafene? (equaling to to 30 stars)
because 2 level 1 tomb lords (2 stars total) give 1% damage against bosses.

30/3 = 10, nothing is rounded up or down, I gave the tomb lord example to show that the card system accounts all card stars

2/2 = 1, for tomb lord. Equipped cards were 2 tomb lords, 1 star each.

Edit: picture added

Yes, it’s good.

3x 10 star rafene gives +10 to all stats (compare top image to bottom image).
I posted it somewhere else and remembered it.

In addition, it is useful for physical classes too. Useful stats for physical: str, dex, con, spr (40 stat value).

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Oh cool that’s a good thing to see then, thanks for testing

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