Tree of Savior Forum

Monk Suggestions, gameplay Bugs:

Would ask the Devs here, to pelase Implement at least one of the Following Changes to the Monk Class:

  • Incresed Range on Double Punch, Handknife skills, so Monks can hit multiple enemies a bit easier (as they invest in incresed AoE atack ratio)
  • 1X Overheatable Handknife, Palm Strike (so Monks can become damage dealers, compared to the Hoplites for example)
  • Monks Skills Scales with both Main-Hand and Secondary-Weapon Damage, so do the Bleed Dot Benefits from both weapons damage. It is Proportional: 40% of the Damage dealt with Palm Strike / Tick (if you crit with Palm strike, the Bleeding damage will allso be higher)
  • Bugfix1: Bleeding effect now applied to every enemies hit with Palm strike.
  • Bugfix2: Sacrament buff now Properly Stays on us whenewer we change areas, or Channels, till its timer runs out.
  • Showing the Defence reduction bonuses with Numbers for the Deprotected zone, aswell for the Attribute: Deprotected zone: Enhance
  • Increased Range (area) for Deprotected Zone.
  • Healing skill have tilesets for its circles, we can select predefined shapes, that we can use on the field, just by pressing Heals’ Hotkey.

If you would implement all of theese Changes mentioned above, the Monk would turn into a really satisfing character to play, because now, it is underwhelming.

  • Monks can hit multiple target like you mention just get Attack AOE ratio stat
  • Monks do not need overheat on Handknife and Palm Strike because the damage they strive on is not from those skills but from their bleeds.
  • Bleeds damage effects scales from your physical attack stat not from your Palm Strike and 1 Inch Punch Skill level or damage.
  • They don’t mention it but Palm Strike and 1 Inch Punch doesn’t have a 100% bleed chance (Not sure if it’s a bug)
  • The reduction defense bonuses (Stacks) with Deprotected Zone is display on the enemies debuff bar
  • Cleric is not Monk so your kinda misleading when you wrote Monk Suggestions as your title
  • Deprotected Zone area is fine how it is now no need to increase the AOE.
  • For your Heals suggestion I don’t understand…change the shape…what?

The only thing I agree with you is the Sacrament buff that goes away whenever you change maps or channels.
In my opinion,monks only need faster Double Punch and God Finger Flick animation and able to hotkey your toggle for your Energy Blast: Remove Knockdown attribute so we can change it on the spot without going into the skill window and doing it manually.

I allready tried to reach the mind of another user, tried to explain the lack of range on the monks Handknife, and Double punch skills, how it would be reasonable to have at least auto atack range on them, without success.
Here, i wouldn’t make the same mistake, sure sir, for you it’s whatever. You explain above why something bad is good for you.
For me this game is still under developement and the skills, their effects, properties are a matter of change, so i feedback what i saw, some bugs, and suggegtions so the Devs can see what’s there to correct, or what to touch if ever they decide to touch this class in the future.

Well good luck to you because so far I am the only person who cares about your thread.I came and wrote my opinion and feedback about your thread.I hope you get what your looking for.