I’m currently rank 5 with my monk (Cleric 1> Priest 3), I am lv 129 and my current stats are 80STR 135DEX.
I’m in a delicate moment because I do not know if I continue investing in DEX or STR leave the main stats. If I need to make a change in build, you have to now because there is still time.
For what reason I can not make that decision? The answer is easy, lack of information about this class, all I find is very outdated, already asked about monk in guild with character at high levels and the response was that they have never seen monks in party grinding post-lv 220.
The outdated information do not help much, opinions on DEX and STR are in the same amount and for some reason is not clear, some guides say they focus on DEX is ruining the character, others say the same about STR.
I am looking for a Monk that is in high lv you can help me with these questions. This character has been my principal and I do not want my efforts in vain.