Tree of Savior Forum

[MONK] Focus STR vs. Focus DEX

I’m currently rank 5 with my monk (Cleric 1> Priest 3), I am lv 129 and my current stats are 80STR 135DEX.

I’m in a delicate moment because I do not know if I continue investing in DEX or STR leave the main stats. If I need to make a change in build, you have to now because there is still time.

For what reason I can not make that decision? The answer is easy, lack of information about this class, all I find is very outdated, already asked about monk in guild with character at high levels and the response was that they have never seen monks in party grinding post-lv 220.

The outdated information do not help much, opinions on DEX and STR are in the same amount and for some reason is not clear, some guides say they focus on DEX is ruining the character, others say the same about STR.

I am looking for a Monk that is in high lv you can help me with these questions. This character has been my principal and I do not want my efforts in vain.

I’m certain most monks here would suggest this:

100 dex
50 con

The rest goes to strength.

Here, go read these information.

Unless of course you read them already.

thanks for the guides, I’ll read them now.
put 50 con was already in my plans.
I’m just unsure if I

Go strength.

You can always slap crit rate gems on your gear. You’ll need good base damage for your critical damage to be decent.

I’ll back the guy above. Some dex, some con, mostly str. Don’t think you need both STR and CON to be >100 after the gear bonuses, but your current dex won’t hurt much and may actually come handy in PvP later on. And let me say Priest3 monks are my fav clerics when levelling.

Yup… More STR

since you’re priest you have access to monstrance which will pump up your DEX by 30%,

maybe I would stop at 150-180 Dex (maybe even up to 200) and then start building CON to 50 then all stats to STR but that’s just me.
and then compensate for gems, and gears for higher crit rate

cleric class suffer from poor weapon sets combined by Monk’s low base damage scaling per level from skills, we will need as much STR as we can get.

Just keep in mind that monstance scales with your lvl so you always have a DEX boost when its up and thus, will not need to put so much in dex and should invest in STR. I dont think having more than 120 dex is necessary.
With mosntrance on you will easily have 200 dex

Don’t know why you put some points in dex… i have 9 dex…

just save 15m for the attribute upgrades and it doesn’t really matter how your stats are as long as you don’t fck up too much.

Dex monk is really fun to play. once you see those yellow attacks hit all the time its satisfying to see. I have 260+ dex with monstrance it goes up to 357 I just can’t get enough of it. here’s a vid on my Monk soloing Siauliai. only bad thing about it is one inch punch proc does not crit Q.Q and sometimes the Second Attack on Double Attack doesn’t crit even if the first 1 is crit.

Why doing a mission solo? No one wants dex monk in his party?)

50 con u really useless in pvp with wiz

Nah I was soloing 130 then I went to saulia afterwards I was hitting x buttom frequently then Instead of queueing I started the mission, might aswell not waste it. Btw you get 600% xp boost if you queue instead of making a party.