Tree of Savior Forum

Missing White Witch Legend (Hard) First Clear Title in Season Server SEA

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : 1.45am GMT+8 / 24 October 2020

Server Name: Season Server SEA

Team Name: Tyrion

Character Name: Azrine

Bug Description : We did the first clear of White Witch Forest (Hard) on Season Server SEA but did not receive the #1 title which is Icicle Queen.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. First clear of the season SEA server for White Witch Forest (Hard).
  2. Did a check and did not get the first clear title.

Screenshots / Video :
(attach screenshots or videos regarding the bug)
Screenshot of ranking but not having the first clear title:

@GM_Francis @STAFF_Yuri

@GM_Francis @Staff_Jin

Server Name: Season Server SEA

Team Name: Vyo

Character Name: Vyo


@GM_Francis @Staff_Alex
Server Name : Season Server SEA
Team Name : Syl
Character Name : Sylphyn

@GM_Francis @Staff_Brand
sever name : season server sea
team name : l3ubble
character name : Mona

same issue on NA Seasonal !!!

How did you guys do it in 18minutes?

@GM_Francis @Staff_Alex
Server Name : Season Server SEA
Team Name : Fdz
Character Name : Fdz

@GM_Francis @STAFF_Bob
Can we get a response here please

@GM_Francis @Staff_Alex
Server Name : Season Server SEA
Team Name : Fdz
Character Name : Fdz

@GM_Francis @Staff_Alex can you explain ? need response