Tree of Savior Forum

Missing Herbalis (5)

Hi! found info about Selphie on kr, mb helpful

on screenshot u can see her )

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And where in Klaipeda would that be? More or les, so as not to search the entire map.


Edit: found where it’s supposed to be,

But it’s not there, maybe spawns at specific times?

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It’s easier to suppose they forgot to add her.

But yeah, maybe it’s timed like 2 others.


I doubt it’s timed like the others since the timed ones have no objectives and behaves like a secret quest

While Missing Herbalist (5) had me wandering Klaipeda for hours.

@STAFF_Letitia , please help

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Please send us a ticket with the picture of Selphie missing so that we can investigate this further!

Thank you


i wrote ticket ) i hope it will help )


I have been since 15 hours behind this NPC and I do not think it. Could someone help ???

How hard is it for you, just repeat for Korea and put the NPC…
Here on the Korea stands and rejoices

Funny thing is, Saphie is really missing, beyond the quest name, haha. Bad joke, I know xD


Lets start betting.

This topic will automatically close in 2 months.

Will the NPC return in 2 months? Or will the issue be [RESOLVED] by default then?

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is Selphie now appear or is there a time window?

We received your tickets and we are aware that Selphie is literally missing. And we are looking for her…:sob:

I’ll keep you all posted!


Did you check under the bed?

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PLOT TWIST: @STAFF_Letitia goes missing as well. :open_mouth:

Really?? :disappointed_relieved:

I’ll check into this again.


Please wait 3 more weeks.

bump up go guys (gm’s) u guys can help us don’t give up!

Rename the quest to “Literally Missing Herbalist (5)”.
Better fix with no sweat.

Okay, two NPCs missing now and I cant finish their quests

NPC Baron Munchausen and Selphie 4/8/2017 still missing

I’d like to also confirm Baron Munchausen is also missing.