Tree of Savior Forum

Missing description of the passive skill of the archer

Brazil time: 8:19AM, 11/03/15

Bug Description :
missing description of the passive skill of the archer

Two-handed Bow Mastery: anti-Air
One-handed Bow Mastery: Ignore Defense

Screenshots / Video :

I will push an update soon over at Github (responsible for the English translation).

They are supposed to say:

  • Deals 20% additional damage when attacking Flying-type monsters with a [Two-handed Bow] per attribute level.
  • Ignores 5% of the enemy’s defense when attacking with a [One-handed Bow] per attribute level.
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Same problem, but with some of the Linker´s ones

Yeah I got this for Quarrel Shooter. It wasn’t like this yesterday.

@jolutaez @tenchisakuya Thank you. I have updated the attributes on Github. I will soon push the update on Github and hopefully IMC will deploy this in the next maintenance. :smile:

typo in ranger skill