I’m probably an idiot for not having discovered this earlier, but this could help others that like me were not aware of this little “trick” to get the VV vision of their choice.
Here’s a quick way to get a specific Vaivora vision:
- get ANY Vaivora vision (from farming HG or buying from market)
- register it in the Team Storage
- visit the current event NPC (starting from Hauberk, don’t think this was available before)
- get the Reset Item Set (Hauberk has two, next event will have three – for Hauberk it’s just ONE coin so don’t miss them, you get a bunch of reset stuff that expires in one day, you could even use the skill reset potions to fix some mistakes while you’re at it)
- use one of the Vaivora Extraction Scrolls from that set (there are two per set so you can get two VV this way)
- select the VV vision you registered, it will disappear from team storage, but be turned into a Vaivora Vision Register Voucher
- use the Vaivora Vision Register Voucher, it will ask which VV you want to register, select the one you want
- boomshakalaka! you turned a useless VV vision into a useful one!