Tree of Savior Forum

Minor bug with head movement

When moving diagonally up and then stopping, occasionally your head will face the camera at an odd direction that makes your character look like some sort of creepy demon.

In fact, seems like in general head movement is super broken.

Whenever I move Up + Left, and Down + Right, my head faces the wrong way entirely on Zemyna. Everything is fine inside the Lodge

I haven’t noticed it on Gabija though… ?

Here, it happens in every single server.

I figured it out. It happens when you’re running at any resolution above 768. I’ve tried it at 1280x768 and 1024x768 and at both the headshake bug does not appear. At 900 and 1080 resolutions (and likely higher ones as well) it will always appear.

Must be a graphical thing. Hopefully they’ve figured it out. I also noticed that at higher resolutions, it might not happen or occur less often if there is a lot going on in the screen (monsters fill it up, lots of players, etc).

If it really bugs (heh) you, you can run at 1280x768 although I’m not sure why we can’t full screen lower resolutions so you’d be stuck windowed. I’d be fine if I could do that. Maybe they’ll add it to a later patch.

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Nope, on my friend’s computer the bug doesn’t happen and its running on 1920x1080
So I don’t think that’s the case. It can be however, a temporary fix for those having the issue, if it works…

As I read on another topic (here), it seems to be more related to AMD CPUs only

IMC, please help us -.-