Tree of Savior Forum

Miko, Shinobi and Bullet Marker in ReBuild

Hi, I haven’t played ToS in a long time but I’m probably coming back when ReBuild hits to check the differences so I would like some help with rebuilding my characters.

I currently have 3 characters one with each of the classes in the title and would like to keep them in ReBuild, any idea how are they doing in the test server or kToS? (I’m not really sure which one of the two has the update already).

And in case they are at least playable, which builds are they using on it in general? I know we don’t need to worry about stats anymore but I’m not sure about synergy at all with this whole “just pick a class and no ranks thing”.

this can help you

you can copy text and translate it individually (at least that what I do)…

for now…

Bullet marker and shinobi are now on the same tree…

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Are you guys able to use that simulator on smartphones or tablets? I can only use it on laptop or desktop…

haven’t tried cause my cell sucks, but will try and tell you…

EDIT: It is updating hopefully it finish and I can go in…

EDIT2: page went down and cant get back in sadly it seems it is not working…

EDIT3: Page opened after opening in new tab…

PD: am using cell basic internet browser…

Hallo, I’m the one who’s building the new database ^^
Can you tell me which browser you’re using?

Currently I’m supporting the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari
  • Opera

In the next update I’ll add a message when a browser isn’t supported.
If you’re using Firefox, please make sure you aren’t in Private Mode


It works fine on the laptop, and I assume desktop too. I use safari on both iPhone and iPad. It shows a load bar that says “updating database 0/14”, but nothing loads.

Which iOS version are you running? requires at least Safari 11.4, which came with iOS 11.4

Ah ha, that’s the problem. I’m not sure what version I have, but pretty sure it’s not the required version since I dislike updating iOS version. It’s fine, I’ll stick with using laptop.

I’ve been checking some kToS videos and it seems outlaw+bm and assassin+shinobi are pretty popular, but after checking iToS skill infos I don’t see how they compliment each other at all. Am i missing something or is it a difference between the servers?