Tree of Savior Forum

Miko quest, where are you?

Hello ^^ !

I say directly, i can understand english but when i write something i think it’s horrible D: !

Server : EU

Team Name: Hangenmaru

Character Name: Kurogane (Lvl 314)

Bug Description : Doesn’t have acces at the Miko Quest !

I’ve finish my spirit for the Miko Quest yesteday, i was 99.9% job xp, so nothing hard ! I went to give the Gohei to the miko, kill 1-2 monster for have my Advancement Job, and i’m return to Miko Master for took this quest but she has no quest for me ! What can i do ? I’ve close the game, Wait a night, but nothing Happen D: !
(Can’t select Miko in the Advancement Job too)

Actually i’m going to Reset my Class when i’m lvl 350 but i wanted to see if i can have this quest before Reset my Class !

You need to visit popo’s little sausage chopper shop me thinks… :wink:

Seriously, is your character male? If so, you need to change to female to get the unlock.

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I can’t be a Miko if i’m not a Female oO ?

I’ve see a costume for male as Miko so i think it’s weird if i can’t be a Miko D: !

And this “popo’s little sausage chopper shop” for say everything it’s the gender change x) ? (Hard to understand english joke sry o/)

you need to be female to do the quest
then change back to male after

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Thx you for your reply rly fast ^.^ Block because i answer too quickly D: !

I’m really disappointed about this D: !

So one more thing, can i complete this quest (after became a female) when i use a Class Reset ? I don’t know how this thing work, and i’ve doesn’t find anything valuable on this subject : / !

Maybe i don’t use the good word for searching : /

as far as i know miko dont have class requirement so i guess it wont affect

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That’s just the name of the gender change shop that was at Orsha ch1, no idea if it’s still there :wink:

I am not sure what you are asking, so I will explain everything about Miko, the gender change, and rank reset.

Unlocking the Miko Master can be done at any time and any level, whether you’re a male or female.
To choose the Miko class you have to be female.
After turning into a Miko, you can then change to male and be a cute Kannushi.
If you use a rank reset, you won’t need to unlock the Miko Master a second time.
If you use a rank reset and want to become a Miko again (take the advancement class), you will still need to become a female.

My advice: if you aren’t completely sure about your build and might use rank resets, don’t switch back to male. Only become male again once you’re 100% sure that you have found the correct build for you.

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