Tree of Savior Forum

MIKo Quest - Is it Bugged

Dear GM/Developer,

I have done all the quest and I believe I have receive all the spirit but my gohei still powerless.

Is it bugged?

If i need to redo the step i dunno which one I have miss out.

Beside that My friend which has become Miko, he cant see any spirit re pawn at Mahanas anymore.

Can your side provide any help for this?

My guess is you either got the wrong one in Crystal Mines or Demon Prison.

Just so you know, the one in DP is random, doesn’t matter if you got all in the same time. I only got mine in my 3rd try.

CM is a guessing one, one of the 7 (dragon)balls there have the spirit (of shenlong).

I have went to CM checked and there are no more spirit. It mean i have done the quest.

For DP is about day and time.

The pillar from top left is start from Sunday. When i click that is show " something is n the air" …

The other room i received the spirit

You got the ones from Uskis, Klaipeda and Pelki Shrine?

yup i done that this morning…

for the DP, what the statement for pillar if we guess correctly?

i just checked again, and it still “something strange in the air”

anyway thx,

finally i figure it out

the DP, we need to go back to the pillar to insert the spirit


can you tell us which pillar you selected on which day?

and the orb you took during server time. You might have gotten it wrong for DP2

I got my powerful gohei. I didn’t insert back the spirit orb in to the pillar