Worst case scenario: keep client and server mirrored 100% of the time, character position update transmitted from server to client
This is what was happening after r9 was released up to May of this year.
Lag result: micro freezes. -
Current case scenario: movement managed on the client, character position update transmitted from server to client
This is what is happening since r10 was released.
Lag result: micro “time warps” (character moves, but is replaced at its original position) -
Best case scenario: movement managed on the client, character position update transmitted from client to server
This is what was happening between May and September of this year.
Lag result: micro “time stops” (character moves freely but everything else is frozen)
I don’t have a clue why the system was changed for r10, but it would be nice to revert from case 2 to case 3. Also there seems to be higher server lag (code bottlenecks?) since r10, would be nice to investigate this aspect too.
I know the re:build is currently top priority, but this should also be considered, as it would makes no sense having a huge rebalance of the game without taking care of the main concern: playability.