Tree of Savior Forum

Meta (?) build for Elemental and Dark Wizards

Hi guys!

I haven’t played since Re:build and I’m a bit lost with all the changes (and upcoming ones) since then. I hope you can help me with a build for an elemental wizard [Pyromancer-Elementalist-Taoist] for PvE purposes (Challenge Mode mainly) and a dark wizard [Warlock-Featherfoot-Shadowmancer] for raids and bosses (probably solo).

I know that Sorcerer-Necromancer-Featherfoot is another strong and popular build for wizards, but it requires a SPR based equipment and specific accessories to reach its full potential. It’s an investment that I’m not willing to make since I have 10 INT based wizards that must share the same gear.

I designed some builds based on Korea Skillbuild List, I hope you can share your thoughts about them. I have no experience playing with this dark wizard, so I appreciate if can give some tips with combos and skill rotation.


Skill points distribution possibilities according to Korea Skillbuild List

15 flame ground
15 flame wall [arts: yes]
10 fire pillar
05 prominence [arts: yes]

Skill point distribution 01
14 electrocute
11 hail
15 stormdust
05 meteor [arts: yes]

Skill point distribution
14 electrocute
01 hail
10 elemental essence
15 stormdust
05 meteor [arts: yes]

10 stormcalling
08 creeping death charm
10 tri-disaster charm
01 lightning charm
10 divine punishment
01 upper level
05 eradication [arts: on for AoE, off for boss]

These skill points distributions allow two builds:


Skill points distribution possibilities according to Korea Skillbuild List

Skill point distribution 01
13 invocation (+2 skill point potion)
01 dark theurge
05 sabbath
10 mastema
10 pole of agony [arts: yes]
05 demon scratch

Skill point distribution 02
15 invocation
04 dark theurge
05 sabbath
10 mastema
10 pole of agony [arts: yes]

12 bloodbath (+3 skill point potion)
01 bloodsucking
15 ngadhundi
01 bone pointing
01 levitation
10 blood curse
05 enervation

Skill point distribution 01
12 shadow hallucination (optional +3 skill point potion)
10 shadowthorns
10 shadow condensation
05 infernal shadow [arts: optional]
05 shadow fetter
03 shadow pool

Skill point distribution 02
01 shadow conjuration
15 shadow hallucination
10 shadowthorns
10 shadow condensation
05 infernal shadow [arts: optional]
01 shadow fetter
03 shadow pool

These skill points distributions allow four builds:

Some questions
Hell breath: Isn’t it worth anymore? I used it since its Knockback attribute is useful when there’s too many monsters and others skills are in cooldown.
Divine punishment: Sometimes it misses the target and you loose one overheat with nothing. Wouldn’t be better to maximize Creeping Death Charm instead?

Looking forward to know what you think. Thank you!

One Point for the CC in CMs or as filler is ok. Or just zero.

Yes, i have max Creeping and only 3 in Divine (and saw others use that too).
Creeping into a boss is fast fire-and-forget dmg.

Dont really like Elemental Essence and use build without it.

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In My opinion Wl/FF/Sm is harder to play then the Wl/Sm/Omn build.
Keep targets Cursed Ngadhndi/Hexing/enervation/bloodcurse. (Witchdoctor attribute)
Spamm Shadowthorn whenever you can even in CM to keep shadow erosion high.
Keep invocation active always and press the ghastly train button before using masterma.

I´d like to combo shadowfetter with pole of agony and enervation.
Levitation art isn´t bad either

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Tbh there are a lot of differences between iTos and kTos that make the shadow build not viable yet here:
-warlock skills damage buffs (Invocation 426% >> 1029% for example)
-FF skills being turned into dark damage (so they work on Infernal Shadow) + new 40% dark damage attribute (90% total with Witch Doctor)
-new vaivora staff that boosts Shadow Thorn with more hits and splash damage

So I wouldn’t recommend the second build until these changes hit iTos.

Also, from my personal testings with my FF WL onmyo, Kurdaitcha is the 3rd biggest damage source on bosses after PoA and yin yang as you can get ~130 times the SFR per cast, so I recommend taking 10 points from Blood Bath into Kurda. You really don’t lose anything as Blood Bath damage is negligible and its utility doesn’t scale with levels, only matk. Heck, with the FF skills getting a +90% damage buff it might even be worth to put points in Kundela again (big maybe here)

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I enjoy playing WL-shad-FF . This build has one of the most complex mechanics.

my build:

skill mechanics

  • demon scratch total dmg is ~5x skill factor so it’s worth to pick IMO
  • PoA arts affected by invocation red spirit and ghastly trail, same for PoA skill scroll
  • hallucination also prevent caster from CC
  • kurdaitcha can deal up to 120+ hits on immobile boss so it can go over 20k%

skill rotation

  • always use ghastly trail just before/after mastema
  • use dark aoe skills except condensation with infernal (conjuration,PoA,mastema,demon scratch)
  • 20 shadow absorption can be stacked quickly with infernal + fetter + conjuration + thorn x4
    so always use condensation with 20 stacks
  • fetter shadow erosion is 100% uptime so keep it up for thorn double hit and conjuration DoT
  • fetter is very good to prevent mobs moving out of aoe skills (PoA,kurdaitcha)
    also fetter + teleport away + demon scratch is good combo to gain most hits
  • use lingering multi-hits skills such as kurdaitcha,PoA,mastema,conjuration before blood curse to cover hp lost
    (a bit tricky kurdaitcha + levitation + blood curse )
  • 60 sec invincibility rotation
    -> 10 sec infernal w/ arts (30s cd so 1 more free cast)
    -> 20 sec hallucination [can fits 2 kurdaitcha, protect vulnerable caster]
    -> 30 sec levitation (immune to melee & blood curse lifesteal always up) [instantly use blood curse while kurdaitcha still up]
    -> immediately kurdaitcha again to benefit from remaining blood curse duration (to delay infernal/hallucination if they are consumed earlier than full duration)
    will reconsider once low levi hit itos.
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