Tree of Savior Forum

Mermaid costume

We want Mermaid costume

Because we all watched The Lure

this musical comedy, horror, mermaid’s polish movie

Mermaid costume plz

I want Sponge Bob costume, we all watched it too

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We need Obama costume

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We all need that Korean police mascot costume as well…

ok, sarcasm is forbidden, so let’s be honest for once:
I’d wish that they stop releasing those 08/15 costumes that have nothing to do with the lore, the game world or Lithuania/its religion. It’s a pain and really unfitting, as if aliens landed on the planet and infiltrated it (i.e. the saviours = the aliens), defying culture, dress code and aesthetic senses of everyone who’s not a player character.

There’s honestly no need for a fantasy world if you start flooding it with everyday stuff from our world that seems so out of context it hurts…

If they’re going to do this, then let me be a tan babe like the girl on one of the loading screens. They said having a darker skin tone is unfitting in their world, but apparently playboys and swimsuits is fitting.

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This game is turning into Tree of Fashions.
New end-game stuff right here

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there are npcs with tan/dark skin…

May I ask, which one? I haven’t met all of the class masters.
It’s strange to me that featherfoot is as white as a ghost, and I can hardly consider the bokor master dark-skinned.
Regardless, those are just the NPC’s. I want to have darker skin in-game too!

It will probably look something like this…


Excluding demons, these two are the darkest skinned npc’s I could find. It’s a light skinned world…


they aren’t white that’s for sure, no matter your definition of dark :expressionless:


I have always said that more options is always good…

@Neiru I need that now :3

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Those two both look white to me…The top one looks tanned, and bottom looks like she’s just dirty/in poor lighting.

It’s more about common cuteness things. Not enough imagination, no world harmonization as you noticed it. maid costume, ok we saw that hundred of times…But i love a lot BOAT COSTUME! haha

I put this topic for fun too yunno /keppahappy

nope, we need costume

for pvp build i recommmand to buy in priority:
Event Baloon Hat>Costumes>pop-up>gears>shards>cards>gameplay

but…but… i really want mermaid costume QQQQQQQQQQ

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