Tree of Savior Forum

Mercenary post / dungeons HUGE PROBLEM

Today I was doing my mercenary quests, and when I was at the last one, I was kicked out just at the beggining, I sure did nothing wrong. But then when I tried do re queue for another, it showed that I had done 3/3 quests. I think that is a huge problem, in fact I think that I was kicked out just because of my class (Bokor), since there is no way to coming back I just lost 1/3 daily quests because of someone. = /

sorry about my english, it is not my first language

You got disconnected, there is no kick option as of now…

it sucks, but it happens more than one would like…

your english is fine, but if you don’t feel good using it, you can always use your main language and ad English as a backup :slight_smile:

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Couldn’t you use the “auto match re-enter” button to get back in?

Once you get into the dungeon you have one daily run discounted, but as long as the instance is still active you can still go in (using the small grey button under the Auto Match one, which should read Auto Match Re-enter in this situation) and still participate in the run.