Tree of Savior Forum

Melee AOE DPS build?

I’m extremely new to Tree of Savior.

I am currently

3C Swordsman
3C Hoplite
1C Dragoon

but it doesn’t feel that great… I only have a handful of skills on really high cooldowns and most just don’t feel great.

I am looking to build a melee AOE DPS character, could some of you recommend classes/ a build for that?
I esepcially like 2H classes.

You will feel better when you get dragoon2’s Dethrone lower cooldown AoE skill. If you are still dissatisfied after reaching dragoon2, another option is doppel (2-handed sword). Please view this first post: Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE] for a doppel guide.

Do you think I could change out Hoplite for Doppel maybe?

you could, Dragoon is basically an evolved Hoplite…

you could say Dragoon is…



But not very AoE heavy?

Dragoon’s 2 Dethrone and Dragoon’s 3 Dragon Fall are AoE skills

Okay and if I wanted a Doppelsoeldner AoE build?

Have in mind that Doppel is squish since it focus in damage, it might be hard for a new player to keep it alive.

For Dragoon yes , you will not only fell better on D2/3 since its where your AoEs are, and although you stated you like two handed class, note the Pelta 1/2 instead of Sword 2/3 helps a lot in the AoE department since you will be able to gather mobs together.
You will need AoE ratio cards to make it worth in this case.

Thank you so much.

I was looking into a Doppelsoeldner build as well, would this be a good starting point for what I am looking for?

Hope is not too late yet, will suggest you to continue as Dragoon. Because doppel is really not newbie friendly, as per dragoon build ( sm1> pelt2> hoplite3>dragoon3>barb1 )