Tree of Savior Forum

[Megathread] Battle Wizard's Basic Attack Guide

Hello community! I’m Jinkx (SA-Silute server player) from Brazil. And I’m in love with this game and its mechanics. I used to love Ragnarok Online, because it allowed me to build my character the way I want, mostly when I used to plan some hybrid builds, something off-meta. And so does Tree of Savior now. For those thinking about building a Battle Wizard (focused mostly on Basic Attacks), I built an informative guide with consistent research and specific data collecting. Although is lacking some images and visual tests, I hope to help anyone that went this route in-game with me and willing to learn and share information about this unique path.

This is a humble Compendium with all data I got. My apologies in advance for all English mistakes, 'cause it’s not my native language, okay? HERE WE GO!

All posted information has basis on ToS Gameplay Videos, as my own test results in-game.



  • The Subweapon damage (aka. melee damage) is provided by a substat called Secondary Physical Attack (SecP.Atk), that scales off STR and from specific buffs that affects subweapon damage, such as [Swell Right Arm] and [Divine Stigma] for example. This melee damage is also affected by all types of [Element Property Attack] bonuses (such as Arde Dagger’s Fire Attack Property).

  • Apparently, the C-button attack causes damage provided by its equipped subweapon and it has NO interaction with innate Physical Attack values of your main weapon. However, ALL bonuses (AoE Attack Ratio, Critical Rate, Critical Attack, Physical Attack Bonuses, Element Property Attack, [Ignition] Burn or even [Toy Hammer] Explosion, and so on) attached to your Main Weapon will be provided to your character, so it will properly apply to all secondary weapon attacks. So you can carefully choose a Main Weapon with those bonuses.

  • Chronomancer’s [Quicken] skill DOES NOT increase any subweapon’s Attack Speed, since it’s effect is applied only to the Main Weapon. However, subweapons’ attacks are possible to deal critical damage, which means that Quicken’s [Critical Rate increase attribute] DOES affect subweapons, so users have to be aware of this specific effect.

  • All Melee attacks (Dagger/Staff) can deal Critical Damage normally and will be affected to Critical Attack and Critical Rate substats accordingly. However, only Staffs can OVERKILL monsters with its’ swing attack (clockwise). Since Staffs have AoE Attack Ratio +1, they can hit up to 4 grouped monsters per hit.

B) USING MAIN WEAPON (aka. RANGED/Auto-Attack Battle Wizard)

  • Wizard’s basic attack (magic projectile/bolt) is based on Magic Attack substat, provided by INT stat point and scales with INT and specific Magic Attack buffs, such as [Swell Left Arm], [Swell Right Arm], [Swell Brain], [Transmit Prana], [Divine Stigma], [Quick Cast*], etcetera. Damage is also extended by Magic Amplification substat, available in specific pieces of equipment and Krivis’ [Zalciai] with attribute applied buff.

*Quick Cast increases Magic Attack via attribute, increasing Wizard basic attack damage accordingly.

  • Basic Attacks are also affected by all types of Element Property Attack bonuses, even when provided by subweapons. And that’s the only reason that Arde Dagger, Karacha Dagger or Venom are used on Wizards. (Notice that Physical Attack values of these weapons do not increase Wizard ranged attacks).

  • Chonomancer’s [Quicken] DOES affect Wizard’s basic attack speed*, regardless of it’s weapon. Since Wizards will shot a magic projectile with any weapon equipped (or not!) anyways. However, Quicken’s [Critical Rate increase attribute] DOES NOT affect basic attacks, since they’re considered magic damage and thereby, won’t deal critical damage.

*Take in consideration that Attack Speed buffs are directly related to ping and response time between you and game’s server.


Beside the way it looks like, the Toy Hammer is such an amazing equipment packing a lot of damage. Although it’s not considered powerful in basic attack values, it deals a massive explosion each ten hits. Such power makes it a solid investment in every Battle Wizard build, and its’ tricky mechanics were saved for a separate section here.

  • The [Toy Hammer] is a Blunt weapon that triggers a small AoE strike after 10 continuous hits, regardless of its’ source. Which means that multiple damage ticks to the enemy (or enemies!), provided by Basic Attack or spells, will pop the explosion. Some examples include [Fireball] or [Flame Ground] hits, that can also proc the effect for several enemies, considering each one receives damage 10 times continuously.

  • While dealing damage, it will display a score of [Toy Hammer] stacks to them, in a form of debuff. At the tenth attack, the explosion will trigger and the count will be reduced by 10. Notice that [Toy Hammer] stacks lasts for 2 seconds before expire and a new attack resets its’ time, increasing the stack amount. Expiring the time will drop stack amount to zero.

  • Toy Hammer stacks regardless of Ranged or Melee Auto-Attacks. Also, each additional line of damage will be counted separatedly, and here’s why Wizards shine with [Toy Hammer]. Using [Cafrisun Set], receiving [Enchant Fire] and [Sacrament] buffs will score FOUR stacks per attack, triggering the effect every THREE attacks (or four attacks, without Sacrament).

  • The triggered explosion is a PHYSICAL mini-AoE Attack Property, so can be Blocked, Dodged or Nullfied (Safety Wall, Invulnerability). If strikes, deals around 2000+ damage that scales with user’s Physical Attack values (and equipment) and also achieve Critical Damage (thus increased with Critical Attack values).

CREDITS AND SPECIAL THANKS FOR: @_Nekorin & iLunari (Silute).

That’s all for now!
Wait for more updates and I thank you for all your help!

Baibaaai~ :heart:


You are forgetting to mention this.

This specific staff deals 200% of your matk as physical damage on its C attack, and is compatible with quicken.

So in total there are 3 specific builds:

  1. Melee dagger
  2. Melee Power Staff
  3. Ranged rod + arde
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Yes, I am totally aware of this, but I never see someone with this item. :sweat_smile:
I’m investing my character on Thauma’s side. Although it’s bonuses are just flat numbers, Quick Cast is a % M.Atk boost… which means: more M.Atk you have, more M.Atk you get from Quick Cast!

Thank you for the input! We sure need to see more alternatives! o/

Really good tests! I was planning a build like that, but with linker instead of pyro (i know enchant fire adds a hit and is a huge boost to damage, but i want more aoe damage… but maybe magic missile is enough) Please keep updating this guide!

PS.: acabei de lembrar que vc é BR, mas, como é um fórum internacional, vou evitar conversas paralelas em PT kkk

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I recommend every build of Battle Wizard a Pyromancer rank. C1 is mandatory, but C2 is kinda optional or just a waste (except you want to lock targets with a Fire Pillar).

Enchant Fire is a huge powerspike, add some good damage and synergizes a lot with a Fire Rod/Pyrlight Pendant and Arde Dagger! I went Wizard C3 over Linker C1 because of Quick Cast, that adds a HUGE auto-attack boost (since is magic damage) and Magic Missile + Flame Ground with +50%MATK boost allows me to handle several mobs at once, so no need of Joint Penalty (and it’s long cooldown). I found this build route pretty impressive and it shows on my test results. :heart:

PS: Você pode me mandar mensagem privada pelo forum ou me adicione como amigo lá no Silute (você está lá, certo?) meu team name é Jinkx!

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Newbie here. Just passing by to say this is great info. Tracking this thread with great interest.

P.S.: BR aqui tbm

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Yeah I really like Enchantu Fairu (the char says like that kkk), and since my wiz3 is doing fine with magic missile to kill groups i think linker can be replaced… I’m really hoping that future Sage or Enchanter are autocast-on-hit kind of play - that would be great with a wiz3pyro1thaum3 or wiz3pyro1chrono3 =D

PS.: OK! Vou adicionar sim, meu team name: Makarov

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I’m just excited for all class possibilites that can be released in near future. But, for now, I’ll stick to this Wiz3-Pyro1-Thauma3 plan and soon I’ll be doing some tests to a Melee Mage with no INT points invested. Content will be added here asap! :heart:

P.S: Estarei logando todas as noites, então só add e eu aceito assim que puder!

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I remember a guide similar to this waaaaay back when TOS was still in its CBT phase. People has always been curious about battle mages, I think.

Featherfoot has potential as a battle mage, don’t you think? Its skills are of melee range.

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Yes, assuming Featherfoot do use skills at close range, it would be optimal for a melee mage setup. I’m working on a ranged auto-attack mage, so it’s not the case for me, I’ll be skipping this. Note that Wizards are not supposed to do melee damage and the only plausible ways we have so far consists in using a 2-H Staff attack or using a Dagger as subweapon, both attacking with C-Button.

Additionally, we don’t know how much damage a 2-H Staff can deal… since this equipment doesn’t show any Physical Attack values. Which translates in a inconsistent damage calculation while using it as a melee weapon. Daggers, on the other hand, shows a reliable Physical Attack value we can calculate. All this information we need to research and test a lot… which takes time, so we’re looking forward to show you guys more data asap. :heart:

@Jinkx Wow, what a trove of knowledge here. Thanks for linking me this thread. I didn’t consider Quick cast attribute before as it can’t affect the extra lines of damage.

A question, for your calcution the Basic attack damage ~1700-1900 is a total sum of all lines of damage? or is just the very 1st hit of the attack?

@_Nekorin You’re welcome! Quick Cast is such a huge buff that increases a lot my Magic Attack and autos. Also, I could easily skip any Linker ranks because of Magic Missile and Flame Ground (enhanced with Thauma Buffs and Quick Cast), even in lv. 5 only (I’ll pick only C1 Pyro for Enchant Fire purposes).

And yes, the calculation involves total damage (all lines).
Notice that I use Earth Property Attack bonuses in my headgears, so it enhances Cafrisun a lot! Give it a try or buy some Fire Property Attack bonus headgears, they’ll works wonders with Enchant Fire and Flame Ground. <3

Does the elemental property attack bonuses tag on extra damage to the property lines of damage? This is something which I can’t put my head to on how these elemental property damage with with elemental lines of damage.

Where does that 514 damage come from, that is an additional 135 damage tagged to it compared to the 379 damage from the 2nd line. I have a total of +87 earth damage from my enchanted headgear. (+30, +29, +28),

Total elemental damage from gear is:

  • +87 earth (3 enchanted headgear)
  • +9 poison (poison bangle)
  • +153 fire (arde dagger)

… lol as I type I realised that it is so due to the element the monster it is in, 15 earth (cafrisun line) and 87 earth damage * 50% (additional damage) gives the additional 135 damage.

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AFAIK, each Element Property Attack bonus increases ALL lines of damage. I know that because when I equipped the Fire Rod, all 4 lines of damage (Basic Attack + Enchant Fire + Sacrament + Cafrisun) got their values increased. And the calculations shows around 80~100 extra damage for just 17 Fire Property Attack bonus added, so it’s really nice.

Does a Wizard AA count as a missile? If it did then swapping in Featherfoot might be a definite option.

Ngadhundi -> Melee but increases missile damage (at least double it seems like) although no extra effect on bosses
Bone Pointing -> Extra AA missiles as a summon

Something like (theory):
Wiz C3 -> Thaum C2 -> X -> Featherfoot

You’d lose out on 129 mAtt (when factoring in Quick Cast +50%) and the 145 INT (which would amount to ~280-300 mATT with the scaling?) if you keep Pyro, or you’d lose the extra damage line from Pyro. Unless there’s another Circle that might fit in better once you add the extra damage source from FF (Maybe Linker just to spread the damage further).

Unfortunately, Wizard’s Auto-Attack is considered [Magic] damage, not [Missile], as Archer’s auto-attacks and skills. If you wanna take the PURE DAMAGE route (hit harder as possible with autos), I suggest you take my personal character build [Wiz3-Pyro1-Thauma3].

Although it’s missing Linker class, I didn’t find it necessary because of Magic Missile and Flame Ground skills (at lv. 5, but amplified with Thauma buffs and Quick Cast, hits like lv. 15) when mobbing/bossing. Also, with this build you can assure MATK at maximum possible value for your auto-attacks, since this is the main purpose here.

UP! The Compendium has been updated!
All Test Data were erased with the new content arrival.
Thank you guys for all the support. Love you! :heart:

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What a wonderful post :open_mouth: how did i never stumbled into that before i wonder ?!

I planned an autoattack/range heavily focused on int build very similar to yours i guess, so happy to know someone already did it and can share keys informations! I did not know so precise and detailed infos about toy hammer and proper AAsynergy with chrono and thauma buffs, thanks a lot for sharing man!

Going on:

  • Wiz3> Pyro1> Thauma3> R8 Warlock

With more info on r8 i might rethink of WL even if i guess sinergy with high INT + transpose is pretty cool on paper.
(Animus and a healer friend or maybe Alche in same account).

With rank 8 out even this route:

  • Wiz>Pyro>Linker>Thauma2>Chrono3

imo appealing for a melee-mage, also massive quicken and pass make groups love and need u more then thauma3 probably…
Really don’t know stats distribution for this one since i never thinked too bout melee path… just last minute theory-crafting :motorcycle:

I’m curious on how did u spent ur skill points during wiz3 path…Would u like to share?
