Tree of Savior Forum

Mdef and pdef the whole damage to def calc needs some work

the Pdef and Mdef stat need some work the damage minus def kinda makes the whole Pdef and Mdef stat useless you can stack all the Mdef and Pdef you want but its kinda useless when opponent hits you for about 2.5k each heck the only good thing about armors is there damage type resistance im a swordsman with 16k hp on Lvl 200 so I kinda can take a hit much better than other class but I got 1 random party invite by a sorc linker and I thought he was just haveing trouble on some quest in the area with those brown rambears so I accept but I was wrong he was haveing trouble on mostly everything he has like only 7.8k hp which I see is normal for non con invested wizard and he was getting almost 1 shot by brown rambears I felt kinda sorry for him that every time his summon lure some rambear I just burst them as fast as I can before it gets to change target to him he was already wearing plate same as me and he was still getting wrecked by them I was loling at first but when it happen almost 5 times in a row it got me thinking the defensive stat kinda makes no impact its to low for the damage we receive its like the game onigiri where the only real defence you can get is a higher HP what im suggesting is that the damage to def needs to have a calculation in it because the current damage - def isn’t really that good with those huge numbers the monster can pump out I can understand bosses that can do that but normal field monster not so much or if adding a new system calc for def to damage receive isn’t possible add a def multiplier in there attribute for example wearing 4 plate type armor gets you all the benefit’s of its attribute hp stamina and damage reduction and a def multiplier of some sort like 4 plates gets you 2x your total def or something you can even adjust it so that even only wearing 2 piece of plate gets you 1.5x you’re total def and some minor Physical damage reduction like 5% same with Mdef wear 4x cloth and get 2x your total mdef and 1.5x when wearing only 2 piece and 5% magic damage reduction or something like that of course this is just what i suggest i bet you guys can up with something more fine tuned than this if you focus on it or heck allow us to attach cards to our armor for example attaching a glackuman card to a cloth armor gets you a 20% damage resistance on slash type damage on top of the cloths natural 50% resist to stabbing or something like that anything to mitigate the high damage you take on high level places and stuff anyway that’s my suggestion hope your company consider it

TL:DR def stat needs work or a way to stack it easily or add a damage calc like other games


Format your text pls, no one is going to read it.

what he said, i did try to read your post but i can’t get past the middle, i needed to squint my eyes so i don’t go off when i go from one line to the next, the lack of punctuation and breaks makes it very hard for the reader, defeating your purpose of sharing your ideas if a good number of people ignore it because of the huge wall of text…

use punctuation marks and divide it into paragraphs

You can just read the TL;DR line.
Nothing really interesting in the wall of text above.

But yeah, defense mechanics in ToS (and many more mechanics too, while we’re at it) need work. Flat damage/defense increments do not and will not work. Not for defense (which needs % damage reduction rather than flat numbers) nor for offense (most skills become simply obsolete sooner or later, which is bad).