Tree of Savior Forum

Max buff count?

I wish we can make some strong buff potions here and collect the raw materials by completing some quests or defeating some rare bosses.

You probably can with Alchemist!

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Yes yes. It was just a ridiculous example. :smiley: I just meant its more difficult to decide which has better damage because dps what counts more not the damage numbers.

( Aww… I messed it up I wanted to reply you @cosx774 )

Divine Might can at least level up a skill past the maximum allocated points. I personally tested this with a circle 2 Cleric that had level 10 Heal (which is the max level for a circle 2 Cleric) and level 5 Divine Might and my Heal was able to level to 15.

I’d say it’s very possible to have a level 25 Heal.

I hope so. But look at my link, There is a time in that vid where the pally casts a Dmighted Heal. Both skills are supposedly maxed, but see the difference in healing from the non DM’d heal? If that is a lvl 25 heal… That skill must scale very slowly. Seems like you’d need ten times the skil levels to get only double the healing. U_U

PvP DPS Falconer

@Aries Yes, the problem I saw with skill levels in CBT2 is that it scales very slowly. It wasn’t just Heal, but almost every offensive skill I used. However, that is where attributes come in. Despite their high prices, they really helped in increasing skill’s effectiveness especially if you chose to circle 2 a class. Like, Energy Bolt Enhance Lv 2 which is only available to circle 2 Wizard made a very noticeable difference in damage.

he heals for 450 without the divine might and with it he heals for 550 or something like it. i’m guessing after lvl 15 the skill only scales like this; (skill level = 5) x (INT) +150 <<< exemple, lets say that this is a lv 5 heal, and a level 15 heal would be; (skill level = 15) x (INT) +350. so Divine Might would only increase the Skill level; (skill level = 25) x (INT) +350 < Keeping the +350. what you guys think about this exemple ?

I actually think @Kiyoshiro idea may make sense. If the circle related attributes are the main thing which boosts skill effectiveness then having an additional circle’s worth of skill levels wouldn’t do much without having the corresponding circle attribute.

This idea doesn’t bode well for Pardoner scrolls =O If a class doesn’t have the attributes that boost the scroll skills. Then the scrolls will be super watered down versions of the real deal >.<

P.S. @Atrophos_MkII I’m not sure I can understand da math u_u

I just thought that if divine might is able to get skills past level 15, everyone in the game would desperately need divine mights pardoner scrolls to improve their main dps skill. People without divine might would have no chance against someone with it. Sounds unbalanced to me, even though divine might needs to be cast on the ground to “ready” the next skill. Unless divine might scrolls have a huge drawback (long cooldown or long cast time), like RO used to do with the wizard skill Mystical Amplification.

i tried lmao =D
it defnitly changes with divine might…

Yer, we’ve seen it change a max level skill so it does work past max level. The point is past the max of your current circle adding more skill levels doesn’t seem to do much without having a corresponding circle skill attribute.

It seems from what Kiyo has seen in the beta, raw skill levels by themselves are a relatively weak/slow increase.

The idea atleast makes a bit of sense of the small skill effect increases we are seeing from large increases in skill levels from DM.

There is no confirmation that DM boosts past 15. It seems like it can boost past the CURRENT “max” level (obviously), which might be maxed within the circle at 10, but that doesn’t mean its true max is 10 (it’s 15). Additionally, I don’t believe it will boost past the “true” max level. This is because of Circle 3 skills. Giving a 5 level boost to a skill with a true max level of 5 gives it (supposedly) a 100% bonus. This doesn’t scale well with DM boosted circle 1 skills, nor does it promote leveling in a way that doesn’t always go to the third circle of a class (a lack of freedom that IMC probably doesn’t want).

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If you watch the vid i linked. It does do something past lvl15 heal. But only about an extra 1/5 more healing. Which is the source of confusion. We are not sure what exactly is happening. Watch the vid and tell me what you think is going on. The DM max heal is at the start and the normal max heal is after the boss dies

Can you confirm that this Paladin picked up the third circle of Cleric? Like I said, this doesn’t confirm going past the “true” max level of 15/10/5 out of the 1/2/3rd circles, respectively. I believe the video shows the difference between the level 15 and 10 casts of the skill, using DM? Also, there’s a range in which the healing could occur - the sample size is literally one, so it might just be an exceptionally low increase. However, looking at the skill itself, the damage only increases by about 1/3 (it has no range).

on his hotkeys, he on has 8 skills. so he probably is 3rd circle cleric , i’m pretty sure he wouldn’t invest on a skill that he’s not going to use, like you said it’s not confirmed, but there’s a high chance…

True, but she also doesn’t have any third circle skills (she could have easily just skipped them). I don’t know - maybe that’s the case. But what I’m saying is that this doesn’t confirm much. Maybe she picked up only a couple levels of divine might and has a handful of skills off bar. Technically, this would explain the lack of healing increase. Maybe there are diminishing returns past the “true” max level. We’ll never know until IBT.

It says it in the discription <_>…